"I think there is something what we should do before talking gene and talent.”
"What types of that?"
"Disorganization of concept of "class""
"In college, there is no class in public. Attending a lecture is up to the individual. Studying or not is free."
"Do you want to start the system from junior high school?"
"From junior school. It is O.K. to start from kinder garden."
"It is too extreme isn't it?"
"Class is a place where we are growing up cooperativeness and friendship"
It's the other way around. Class is destroying them.
"Class is just a management unit of students; nevertheless some types of people always want to add other concepts of "harmony" and "friendship""
You said that, "interclass relay race”, “class attraction", and
Friendship by two persons, harmony by three persons, cooperativeness by the more. Jostle and polish by more than two groups.
"I think that is a kind of bilateral monitoring system."
"Bilateral monitoring system."
"It is difficult for teachers to manage more than 40 students at the same time. Autonomous groups by students are very helpful.”
"It is good for a teacher to monitor the "lunch alone" student only."