
2016-12-01 "I want to bloom into a beautiful woman" [長年日記]

"I want to bloom into a beautiful woman"

my senior daughter said that.

This phrase means a universal value for not only women but also men.

I checked to be sure that I asked her the reason.


The other day, when I got by two young men, I could hear their saying

"She is very cute isn't she?"

and it made me very happy.


"Easy to understand"

However, I think we should not forget the daily small happiness.

The phrase like the above will give up sort of power during our burden of life.

All young men should deliver such phrase to all generations of women more and more.

In addition, young women also (the rest is omitted).

I think the above phrase inflation of young people is more effect than implementation of the policy as a measure against deflation of Bank of Japan or the government.


Well, I also often be said

"This gentleman is very cool isn't it ?"

from young women, so I can understand my daughter's feeling.

Above all, I have a special professional skill to hear women's internal voices.

2016-12-02 "I sighed of grief "No way! I am already an old biddy!!"" [長年日記]

The previous column, I presented "hypothesis of blue birthday" to the readers.

I found a person who illustrates by an example about the hypothesis nearby.

It is my senior daughter(SD).


Ebata:"Anyway, the suicide rate of birthday becomes one and half times higher than the other days.

SD:"I can understand the feeling well. I also contemplate suicide on my birthday"

Ebata:"I said "the suicide rate of birthday"

SD:"One day, I was surprised that I run out of breath on a slope road, though I had never done before"


SD:"At that time, I remembered that I was not seventeen."

Ebata:"And ?"

SD:"I sighed of grief "No way! I am already an old biddy!!""

Ebata:"Never talk to mama about it"

SD:"I did. and got an earful from her"

Ebata:"It is no wonder"

(To be continued)

2016-12-03 "But there is no magazine whose name is "Eighteen". That means that "eighteen"is a concept of tumble from the summit of glorious life." [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Ebata:"Well, the recognition of age seems to be related to our age. Human being is apt to put a certain generation in one bag.

SD:"I wonder about that"

Ebata:"In my case, people under 25 year old, are in a frame of "children""

SD:"In my case, people over 27 years old are in a frame of "over 27 years old".

Ebata:"You said that you cannot make a self-image of 27 years old and more ?"

SD:"Exactly. I don't know what I should do after the birthday of 27 years old"

Ebata:"Well, your opinion is very danger. I can agree with you, though you will make enemy of all women of marriageable age


SD:"You know! "Seventeen" is a glorious age for girls. Do you know the magazine whose name is "Seventeen?

Ebata:"I know"

SD:"But there is no magazine whose name is "Eighteen". That means that "eighteen"is a concept of tumble from the summit of glorious life.

(To be continued)

2016-12-04 "Both "short breath" and "eighteen" were absolutely "desperation" for me" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Ebata:" "Tumble from the summit of glorious life"... I think you mistake how to use the phrase"

SD:"Both "short breath" and "eighteen" were absolutely "desperation" for me"

Ebata:" It is "desperation" isn't it? I am very sorry but the "desperation" is coming again and again in your future.


Ebata:"As for my generation, "20 years", "25 years" and "29 years" old were, so called "three big desperations" with sharp pain, for not only women but also men.


Ebata:"However a new pain has come in 35 years old, and 39 years old has already been in scope. I don't want to say about it any more"

SD:"So many pains are going to come...."

Ebata:"However, the more you are old, the more the pain will be more mild. The pain is going to change "short keen" into "long sluggish". So you don't have to worry it. It become easier with your age.

SD:"It is not a welcome relief"

2016-12-05 These new original logics beyond my imagination, make me very happy. [長年日記]

I often get a e-mail from unacquainted people. because I make me a writer in just weekend,

However, I cannot get e-mail from acquainted people at all, the counts of above mail might be many on the whole

By the way,

In this column, I studied the system of presidential election,and in result, I make a critical attack on the system.

This time, I was given a mail, including an original and logical theory of the election positively.

"I felt happy"

These new original logics beyond my imagination, make me very happy.

They become new tips for series of my columns (indistinct muttering).


Compared with the above, I sometimes have been given a obscure sentence mail, to tell you the truth, it is a "scary mail".

(To be continued)

2016-12-06 Of course, a unknown and rude e-mails like above, will go to a trash box in 3 seconds, and the mail address will be set as a reject. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

One obscure sentence mail is, for example

It starts with the phrase "People who have a love child is a tool of a pharmaceutical company", and

there was no background, and no sense of the subjects, objects and predication. Though I tried to read it more than ten times, I could not understand the content at all.

To tell you the truth, I could hardly imagine that it was written for the purpose of telling people something.

To begin with, it is "rude"

Of course, a unknown and rude e-mails like above, will go to a trash box in 3 seconds, and the mail address will be set as a reject.


However, all of sudden, I remembered the mail last night, I took out this mail from this trash box, and I tried reading it again.

However, I could not understand it.

Even if I read it again and again, only the word "Denpa" comes to mind.

(To be continued)

2016-12-07 "Encryption" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

I thought that I would ask someone to translate this email, but I hesitated to disclose personal mail to third parties (basically, it is against a rule).


Last night, when I walked thinking various things as usual, suddenly a word came down to me.


I thought that it may be that this mail was including important information, for example state plots or crimes, and this sender wanted to tell me the facts.

I was afraid that I gave up thinking this idea soon, because I also almost became "Denpa".

Above all

(1)I am too old to act as a juvenile fancy.

(2)Everybody knows well that I never make the move, even if I know such state plots or crimes.

(To be continued)

2016-12-08 I hope that I want to live my life without causing waves, so called "fence-sitting". [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

I hope that I want to live my life without causing waves, so called "fence-sitting".

This my "fence-sitting" policy has been

to be built up after getting the job,

to be tighten after the marriage,

to become a belief after having children,


to come to a religion by problems of education and caring for my children and parents.

You might get angry, saying " who can use the word "fence-sitting"",

However I have been supposed not to teeter over the edge, and respect "please stay back of the white line".


I am a human being, who

works at the office on the business days without making a fuss, and

writes my columns at my room on the weekend without uttering a word, and

repeats the above two tasks again and again

and cannot do anything without the two activities basically

(To be continued)

2016-12-09 "Damned If I know your feed" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

I went off on a tangent.

Let me go back the board.

Twitter, and other SNS enable us to communicate others with limited character counts and sorts of icon, ignoring "letter form",

In the period of "pocket pager" and in the older days of sending love letter by thirty-one syllabled verse, I agree that this types of communication is effective and useful.

for "compression", "cipher" and "shorter working hours".

However, I always think that "don't talk about communication, even just pushing "good!" button"

Whenever I watch a display of other's SNS with a photo of dish,

"Damned If I know your feed"

I think that.

If they want to include their original intention, for example, "DIY dish" or "impression of the food", I think it is welcome.

However, I think that the act of distributing photos for the members, is a soft of "violence"

In short,

"the violence of force to push "good! " button.

For example, "Damm! seems to be awful!!" or "the nutritional balance is the worst!" might be prohibited (Of courser, nobody will stop it)

Anyway, I cannot admit such a communication with message exchanges based on preestablished harmony


When I talked about it,

"O.K. Ebata-san. You are wrong absolutely"

he cut me in two with a single stroke of his sword.

(To be continued)

2016-12-10 "I just imagined, and I'm going to spit it" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Colleague(C):"Ebata-san, in the first place, "blog" is

- a message of "I had pasta today fro lunch. It was very delicious. I want to come again (heart)" with the pasta photo.

- "It looks like good", "I want to have it too" as a response message.

Anyway, it is made by something like "beauty of style" "

Ebata:"I don't think so"

C:"Above all, what Ebata-san continue to write everyday" is not "blog".


C:"In my case, before reading Ebata-san's HP, I breath deeply, and I make up my mind with saying "Let's read it!"

Ebata:"So what ?"

C:"How do you think that the blog which burdens the reader?"

Ebata:"Well then, may I try to write

"Today, I ate Soba at the company's cafeteria. It was not good, however, I have to do diet and diet" ?

C: "I just imagined, and I'm going to spit it"

Ebata:"What do you want me to do?"

(To be continued)

2016-12-11 "Ebata-san. Are there some information in" Morning "or" Hello? " [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

C:"Ebata-san. You think that "communication" is as a media vehicle, like computer communication"

Ebata:"That's right, right?"

C:"Most of the communication doesn't have information. In the first place, the purpose of communication is not even media vehicle "


C:"The purpose of communication is communication itself"

Ebata:"Maybe so"

C:"Ebata-san. Are there some information in" Morning "or" Hello? "

Ebata: "No,no. it is an event notice that" I came here "" I am here""

C:"Why is that so?"

Ebata:"Well, how do you think that it is an acknowledgment of preprocessing before information body?"

C:"Why do you try to make all communication meaningful? "


Recently, The word 'ties' but 'bonds' seems to be used more than necessary.

When they are repeated in the Internet applications and services, I feel uncomfortable beyond the sense of incongruity.

(To be continued)

2016-12-12 Such a poor editor who should have to control my radical description [長年日記]

Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

Let's turn the world by "Number" Accident resulting in injury or death (37) "

Let us know about an unusual height cost of 'one-under' by physics simulation


The detailed and thorough description about injury physics simulation about "one-under", which had written in the draft version,

was deleted by Ms. Editor in the department.

Such a poor editor who should have to control my radical description

has existed.

2016-12-13 I am thinking "You do not making one-sided selfish rules." [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

I think "to say hello to your neighborhood" or "to talk to the opposite sex of the next seat" probably are high priority than to connect on the net space.

In my case, I use a communication as a means of "enjoying" with family and friends. On the other hand, for my work, a communication is only a means of media vehicle.

Moreover, "looser committed relationship" in the net space, is completely out of scope.


I do not consider separating the real world from the net world.

I do not remember to agree to the theory of such a way.

I have never agreed to an unknown reason of "anyone who make and open their work, should endure unfounded criticism and condemnation"

I am thinking "You do not making one-sided selfish rules."

Even if it e-mail SNS, and others , I will respond to them with real world rules, and I will compel it to others.


Even if so, people who want to send a mail to me, do not have to be careful particularly.

"A content that makes me feel good"

If you pay attention to the point only, there will not be a problem in general.



I forget to write down, however,

I never response any kind of mails about PCs and support equipments

even if it is respectful perfectly.

The person causes me much discomfort without any exception .

2016-12-14 However, nobody allows to do any harassment, even if others come to enjoy his/her reaction. [長年日記]

Many people tend to enjoy a harassment against a person who is horrified by a tale of fear.

However, nobody allows to do any harassment, even if others come to enjoy his/her reaction.

(This story connects to "bully" though, I skip it today.)


My darling wife dislikes tale of fear, for example, sprite and monstrosity.

I am afraid that it is too weak to explain the background.

If I talk a tale of fear to my wife playfully, she screams with a nightmare, and suffers insomnia. In consequence, she cannot manage the Ebata's system.

Thus, my wife teaches me to the very bone, that nobody must do anything a person dislikes. It is a self-evident fact.

Therefore, I have been kept her at a distance from anything of fear until now, for example, scary movie, and unmerciful documentary program.

About the animation of sprite and monstrosity, I sent a mail to my second daughter and asked her to record it.


However, I was very surprised to hear that my wife is enjoying the animation whose title "Natsume-Yujinchou("Natsume's notebook of his friend's name"), even she doesn't like animation itself.

Ebata:"In the animation, many sprite and monstrosity appear in swarms don't they?"

When I asked her, she said just

Wife:"No problem. That is O.K,"


Needless to say, "Natsume Yujinchou" is a masterpiece of masterpieces, coming to the 5th season.

Where my burden is going, that I had watched the animation by PC in my room underground, but it was be all in a day's work.

2016-12-15 I rarely get a phone-call. [長年日記]

I rarely get a phone-call.

Even for family communication, mostly "E-mail", even if urgency case, "C-Mail" are enough.

Recently, I have forgotten setting the phone's manner mode, even at the time of the meeting,

As a result, in many cases, It usually requires urgency, and the phone carries bad news to me.

So, whenever the ringing tone will surprises me With anxiety feelings.


The other day, when I had a dinner with a company person at a restaurant,

my cell-phone started ringing suddenly, and I felt surprise at the call. However I broke the connection at the moment.

I almost always deal with a phone-call like the above.

However, I felt sorry, because the telephoner was my junior daughter.

This was an extreme rare case that she called me at the period of time.

So, I excused myself and I called back to her outside the restaurant.


Ebata:"What's happen?"

D:"How much can I take "Natsume-Yujinchou" ?"

(To be continued)

2016-12-16 Don't worry about the money [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

I ask my family "Say first the bottom line", so her phrase was perfectly right.

However, I couldn't understand anything, no matter how her act might be right.

Ebata:"Would you add the background?"

D:"Both mama and I are in TSUTAYA now. Previously you said "I will give you money if you get the DVDs of "Natsume-Yujinchou""


D:"So I wonder how you allow me do it"

Ebata:"All of them"


Ebata:"You can get all of "Natsume-Yujinchou" around you. Don't worry about the money"

D:"I've got it"

After that, her call was cut.


Surely, it was correct about how to use the phone, because it was an urgent requirement of "confirmation of the intention of the investor in real time"

In addition, since I was able to use extraordinary lines "Do not worry about the money", I felt good.

Everyone know when becoming an adult, the opportunities to use such lines are absolutely rare.

2016-12-17 The poor quality of sentences of management department [長年日記]

At the beginning or end of the (fiscal) year, I have to do various process about tax return and year-end adjustment, from my PC.

Since we can do these kinds of process by the PC, we are suffering more and more,far from becoming easy.


The poor quality of sentences of management department

annoys me terribly.

The reasons are the following four points roughly, as follows

(1)I do not understand the purpose of a sentence. I can not read what they wanted to make me.

After reading until the end of the sentence, I have to read "Press the button of intention to confirm the composition of the family" from the full sentence.

(2)I do not understand the contents of the procedure. I do not know what kind of operation to do.

At the most, they did not write "you can press just two buttons" with just attaching the URL of more than 50 pages of manual, and they leave it as it is.

(3)They do not use drawings

Even if there is a figure on the operation screen, I might understand it. However, they brotherly explain in text, an erroneous operation occurs, and my work is goig to be delayed.

(4)They not attach any sample.

If there is a way of writing sentences, I can understand how many characters I should use, how much writings and hardness of the sentences should be written. It is obvious. However they will not give me anything. As a result, the unnecessary return will occur.


"What are they really thinking ?"

(To be continued)

2016-12-18 I'm like "supervisor in the field" who manage a time schedule or progress, with working the field as a laborer. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

For example, even if assuming that a work delay of 10 minutes, the summation will more than 5000 minutes for 500 people.

The loss of working hours is going to be about 83 hours.

I think that "why do they at the support department annoy me ?"


Recently, I am often asked for secretariat of various projects.

I am afraid that they are not fun, however, now I

become the age I've authority with the project members,

bluff the members corresponding to my age

have a dignity that even senior managements cannot complain directly,

have the internal HR network just for "long work life",

Well, I also think that it is inevitable.

I'm like "supervisor in the field" who manage a time schedule or progress, with working the field as a laborer.

In other words, "I" manage "myself". Of course, I try to manage anything fastest ,highly efficient, and cutting of the corner.

(To be continued)

2016-12-19 However, I want to be managed by the way I have done. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Like the following,

(1)Making clear both point and request of the document

Example: "I ask you to estimate the cost of development. At the present, it is no problem that the output and cost are not accurate.

(2)Specifying the process or operations

Example:"Please write about two lines in the red column of the attached Excel file, and send me the file soon"

(3)Use a picture.

Example: Scanning my notebook and attaching the file to the mail.

(4)Show a sample.

Example: Making a draft material to specify the character size and terminology, and enforce my original rules.


There seems to be some special rules to prohibit the above way in the management department, and they might not be able to do them, or

there seems to be many people who don't want to use such a free-format document or do anything n a flexible and impromptu manner.


However, I want to be managed by the way I have done.

I am very serious.

2016-12-20 I remembered the famous comedy animation about the fight of raccoon dogs. [長年日記]

My house is located in the residential zone that had been on a hill and prepared the soil.

I have to go home through the wooded area, however it is all well and good in winter season.

Walking under star-spangled sky is good and I can find leaf fall and fruit ont the walkway. In addition, I can meet a cat that seems to be thinking something deeply.

I already told the story that I call the cat "philosopher" and pay courtesy to the cat in my mind.

Not to interfere with him or her, I walk on the road, stepping down the walkway, apart from him or her


In winter season, I come to watch a raccoon dog frequently on my way home in the midnight.

The other day, I watched a pair of raccoon dog, disappeared into the mountains.

I remembered the famous comedy animation about the fight of raccoon dogs.

Thus, walking in the midnight of winter season is enjoyable for me.

2016-12-21 Want to go watch the stage by the time I die. [長年日記]

"Golden Slumber" is Isaka Koutaro-san's work, whose content is "a man who has been the false charge of a prime minister assassin in a national conspiracy, escapes and fights against the power, while being surrounded by people around me" is clearly "masterpiece".

This is the story that both my daughter and I watched the movie.


I knew a theater company "Caramel Box" when I watched the stage whose title "Time you were, and Time I will go" on the TV by chance at the business hotel in the late night, and I decided

to go see the stage by the time I die.

I have made up my mind since more than 10 years ago.

By the way, the next day, I could not work at all because of lack of sleep.


The other day, I said "How about are we all going to a theater in Shimokitazawa ?" and the daughter who remembered it, played the best trump of

"a theater company "Caramel Box"" plays

"Golden Slumber"

There was no reason why I could not catch it.

However the final chance of Tokyo stage seemed to be on the 25th December.

I was afraid that "It might be too hard to get the tickets without miracle", however, I admitted her to start the process. As a result, she got the entry.

D:"When is good for you?"

Ebata:"Any day, any time is O.!".

D:"How about your work?"

Ebata:"Never mind my work!"


Now, some seats seem to be available.

Hurry up, if you want to get the ticket.

(To be continued)

2016-12-22 - fought back tears covering her face with her hands at touching scenes [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

I don't want to behave as an expert of plays, because I am afraid that I looked so painted.

Though even I am just a amateur, I was very impressed that every scene that I wanted to watch, was completed, and the stage direction that expressed the changes of each situation.

Needless to say that the stage was utmost, I also enjoyed the reaction of the girl of ringsider.

I guessed that she doesn't read the book of "Golden Slumber", and moreover she had not experimented to view a play.

I was watching both stage and her whom

- held herself ready to do action scenes.

- was surprised at stentorian voices,

- fought back tears covering her face with her hands at touching scenes

at the same time.


Especially, at the scenes of

the hero's parents got a drawn in India ink, writing "Sexual molestations must die"

the hero was given a stamp of "very good" in his back of his hand

I could know quite clearly that she was with tears trickling down her cheeks.


I ws also close to tears at the scenes. However this time, I was impressed the performer'ss acts of

hero's father who lets out against the media's person

hero's senior who carts the hero's body by the truck

old men who try to give the hero the means and direction of escape,

Totally, I was moved by the old supporters.

(To be continued)

2016-12-23 Moreover, I noticed that "I can help young people, even if I don't play on center stage", [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

The reason why I come to think, is that I am already an "old man".

Moreover, I noticed that "I can help young people, even if I don't play on center stage",

and I felt emboldened so much.

I am sorry that I wrote a confused document because of viewing a play in a while


This time, I tried to run a simulation in my cool mind.

If I get arrested for the crime of sexual molester, I guess what kinds of comment my family make.

Wife:"For him, he will rather kill himself to do sexual molester"

Senior daughter:"It is "falsehood" that is too stupid to consider"

Junior daughter:"My father think at the bottom of him heart that "Molester must die three times and they will never be born again."


In addition, I also tried to run a simulation of the other case, that I get arrested for bombing of incumbent prime minister.

Wife:"I am afraid that it is only a matter of time"

Senior daughter:"I think it was too late to do this"

Junior daughter:"Even if there is another suspect, you should doubt my father first"


With no kidding, my family seem to have a consistent recognition that "anyway, he will do something"

2016-12-24 I am continuing to upgrade the home security system now. [長年日記]

It is the correct Christmas Eve.

I am continuing to upgrade the home security system now.


Not to mention, once "home security system" get hijacked, it is over.

Apart from my house, after being asked to build another home's home security system, I become worried seriously about "cyber attack"

Well, I guess that I am different from other people -- the time that can be used to build such a system of hobbies is, quite fun for me.

2016-12-25 There are tremendous difference between "use" and "construction". [長年日記]

Last year, when my wife and senior daughter went back to wife's home town, I asker senior daughter to install a wireless LAN access point. However, it didn't work at all.

For example, in my case, ten seconds was enough for me to set up the system, but many mails and calls were needed to explain to her about the process. Finally we didn't do it very well.

This was not her fault. The reason is that she doen't know the knowledges of network.

Most people don't know the mechanism of network, and there is no problem for them not to know them, because they can use network services.


To begin with, there are tremendous difference between "use" and "construction".

Just for home LAN construction, a lot of knowledges and experiments of network are needed, and just my instructions are not enough to complete the work.

For example.

situational confirmation by blinking LED of an access point,

performance confirmation by command "ping" from PC,

system configuration confirmation by IP address, Subnet address and gateway address,

such the above process, which are self-apparent for me, must be very difficult for others.

(To be continued)

2016-12-26 I don't need the poor AI robot that [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

The instructions from me to my daughter is likely to make her walk blindfolded without the purpose and destination.

Human being cannot improve performance for unreasonable targets.

In addition, something irritated will happen between a person who hand down an order and a person who get the order.


What can a AI robot so called do? Even there are so much difficulties among human being. I am skeptical about both AI and robot.

I don't need the poor AI robot that

nobody knows the day of completion

(When I checked the completion, it is very poor and useless in many cases)

spend much cost and money than th case of I go to the site directly,

(And the endless initialization routine continues)


In order to solve my problems,

a headset with video camera working with Smartphone,

(because I cannot suppose the wireless LAN environment)

a remote display that can capture the remote machine's display without complicated security management and go beyond a firewall safely

(like USB device that provide me the function of VNC safely)

are enough for me.

In conclusion, what I want now are,

Daughter who can understand natural language,

the headset that she is going to use, and

the remote display system from my home PC.

Anyway, I don't need the budget of more than several ten thousand million yen.

2016-12-27 "Such late night, it is a rude manner isn't it?" [長年日記]

When I helped my wife's address change at a night,

she could almost finish making a information person list of senders in the midnight.

Wife: "I have to send this e-mail to concerned people before the start of tomorrow early morning"

Ebata: "Early in the morning of tomorrow? Should I send it now?"

Wife:"Such late night, it is a rude manner isn't it?"



When I asked my wife the reason, she told me that the persons in her workplace make their smart-phone

"turn on the function to inform the arrival of mail by vibration or voice"

Since they use the smart-phone as an alarm clock, if the mail arrives in the middle of the night, the smart-phone wakes them up.

(To be continued)

2016-12-28 On Sunday midnight, becoming pale with the draft edition becomes more than 32 pages in hand, [長年日記]

Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

"Over the AI(6) ---- beyond a reach of our imagination of AI"

The AI that leapt through Time - Going back to the cause from the result with just one number


Early in the morning on Saturday, "I will write within 5 pages this time", with making a vow,

On Sunday midnight, becoming pale with the draft edition becomes more than 32 pages in hand,

The weekend research engineer like that

has existed.

2016-12-29 Therefore, we could shift the responsibility to the system with the excuse not to read the mail. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

I had studied mail communication protocol and system for long period.

About mail system, that is different from telephone,

we can decided a time to read a mail, and in addition,

we can forgive and forget the mail

I believe that the above are the best merit of a mail system.

I like the characteristics of mail system with the loose communication and easy-mounting very much. So I have been developing several types of mail system.

For example, sending a message to "sensor", "area" and "future".

To begin with, I was in the fledgling period of mail system, and at the time, it was said that about 30% mails are going to lose from an unknown cause(No warning from mail daemon)

Therefore, we could shift the responsibility to the system with the excuse not to read the mail.


I was really shocked to know that mails have used in the reverse direction of my intention.

I am afraid that mail system have gone to turn into the ugly social system to produce a lot of company slaves.


Mail system, that I believe the best value is "read but non-reaction" have been nowhere to be found.

2016-12-30 Depending on the situation, I am going to issue such orders to others. [長年日記]

To the best of my knowledge, there are quite a lot of people who do this kind of thing, to order documents to be submitted on Monday morning at midnight on Friday.

There are also quite a lot of people who do this kind of thing naturally, to order a difficult task that must take a considerable amount of time at the last working day of the year, and ask for a report of the results at the beginning working day of New Year.


On weekends and long holidays, for a person who

- doesn't have time with your family or lover,

- is not interested in my hobby,

- doesn't take care of my parents,


- doesn't do free research and writing columns,

there doesn't seems be no problem for them at all.


To begin with, however, I don't have a qualification to blame the person in eyes from above.

Depending on the situation, I am going to issue such orders to others.

I'm trying to think "that is I" who have the responsibility that can not control this situation, after all (Even if it is an unreasonable command from a higher rank).

So, I will not order to others with a stance, like "You must work on holiday, of course, because it is a work."

In my case, I am going to behave humbly grovelingly.

(To be continued)

2016-12-31 As a result, "I'm tightening my neck." [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

I often write the following phases down at the top of mail,

- Although I am very sorry to have you use valuable holidays,

- I'm really sorry that my management is sloppy,

- I'm really sorry, I want to have only your one hour of the weekend,

- If you do not have the time, 2 or 3 lines text and freehand material are enough for me,

- I am lost without your help.

I can describe it as natural and normal, like as the above.

The work for me is just a "process", and in the first place, I'm not authorized (that is, "downhill" in the office) to allow people to move by command alone. In addition, I do not have pride.

Though I do not have a pride, I am angry with the "rudeness" behavior, and I remember it forever.

Aside from that.


I think current Japanese companies are missing,

a manger who can have sense of shame of making their staff work on holiday or midnight.

a manager who can pull at the staff's heartstrings and try to flatter them like the above.

However, needless to say, even if the manager has the above qualifications, as a matter of society, it is important that whether or not those operations are within a reasonable range, (the highest judgment of Showa 43, 12 and 24 Chiyoda Maru affair).

I don't know that

"to order documents to be submitted on Monday morning at midnight on Friday."

"to order a difficult task that must take a considerable amount of time at the last working day of the year, and ask for a report of the results at the beginning working day of New Year."

is whether the reasonable is not. Finally, I think that we have to ask judicial judgment for each individual case.


What I can say is,

"leaving such instructions by e-mail"

is a pretty declining act.

I, who am writing "crying" or "compliance" at the beginning of the mail,

is objectively clear that "I recognize that I issue orders even I know it is an unreasonable business order",

As a result, "I'm tightening my neck."