
2016-04-01 What I have to do is to just write lines and dots when the result is coming. [長年日記]

Web browser is useful for us, because it works on any OS and PC environment. So it is almost certain that the graphics interfaces are going to be unified ... not have already been unified.

One of the method is to use the language "Java Script" that can draw figures and tables on Web browser.

In addition, there are a lot of rich libraries for beautiful figures, graphic and tables.

But I think that it is



For me, some person who are not interested in beautiful drawings, just want to know the results of my simulation

It is enough for me to enable a conclusion to be drawn, and it is more helpful to be able to add the drawing coding in my simulation program.


An original PC had just the drawing function of points and lines on the display of 640x 400 dots. and no multi-task and no multi-windows.

For the present view, it is undeliverable poor machine.

But it was useful for me to write source codes of both drawing and calculations at the same time in one way.

What I have to do is to just write lines and dots when the result is coming.

Of course, the readability of the code is the worst, however, at that time, there was no concept of "code sharing".

To begin with, PC (Personal Computer) should be free for each person, that means, "anybody can be allowed to write any type of codes."

(To be continued)

2016-04-02 "How stupid! Why do they want to make annoying world on purpose?"" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

I think that there are a lot of drawing libraries that enable me to hit points or draw lines.

So, in Python or JavaScript, I was really surprised that I can not find libraries I want.

Of course , I don't mean there is no libraries in the world, however,

even if I want to draw dots or lines in my simulation programs, I have to set enormous annoying per-procedures.

Not only installing the libraries, I have to read many sample program in order to understand something, for example, frame declares of background or foreground.

In addition, it is me to make a program for exchanging a coordinate transformation.

"How stupid! Why do they want to make annoying world on purpose?""

"Using "lineto()" is enough for everyone isn't it?"


Fortunately, a person who tried to make a wonderful drawing library, -- I don't know whether the person think "How stupid!" ----

whose name is "GRWin".

The library is made of very simple drawing I/Fs for student to concentrate the calculation algorithm ( they don't become sick by stupid drawing procedures.), and I am impressed.


But I know that it cannot be helped because of the specification, I am very sorry that GRWin is for windows OS only.

But I never say that

"If I can use GRWin for Web browser in the OS-independent, I become happy."

If I say so, another say to me

"Why don't you try it?"

I know well that.

I have already studied the implementation, however, I noticed that enormous annoying(omitted).

2016-04-03 "It is an easy idea isn't it?" [長年日記]

Previously, I had a story that "I am in trouble not to get radio waves of the radio clock in my office".

So now, I had bought the radio clock module (D606C), and I tried to use the receiving antenna as a transmission antenna. Unfortunately the radio wave doesn't seem to fly.

A radio clock seems not to receive the fake radio wave.

"It is an easy idea isn't it?"

I am discouraged.

I have also tried to make the module as a receiving device, however, it didn't seem to go well.

When it comes not to go well, I try to go frantically. It is my merit but also a big disadvantage.

I am aware of it.

(To be continued)

2016-04-04 Remaining our life time is really short despairingly. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Remaining our life time is really short despairingly.

In this despairing short period, "getting more than two interests at the same time" is same as "terminating the life without mastering anything, like "this"".

There is an advice of the novel prize winner, that is

"Though there are a lot of problems we should resolve in the world, the time we have to spend for each problem is same. So we should think of which problem we try first seriously and carefully".

I think that it is utterly logical.

If I have time to make the time wave clock module, I think that I should try another problem (for the global peace, for example).

If I have been able to understand the background logically, I had already get the novel "engineer" prize.


In the comic "Chihayafuru", Harada-sensei said,

"I am not going to be strong, even if I bet everything in my youth" Hey guy. Why do you say it before betting anything ?"

I think that Harada-sensei's comment is just an argument,

But Harada-sensei, if they cannot achieve the purpose in spite of spending their youth period, it becomes a big loss doesn't it?

(To be continued)

2016-04-05 "I concentrate "I don't concentrate one thing for my life"" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

"To concentrate one thing with whole heart = Right, Beautiful and respectable"

The thought is, I agree, a great sense of worth, however,

I am getting annoyed when it is spoken as a single correct answer.

As for me, I could not concentrate one thing in my youth, so I had experimented a lot of things, and they have been accumulated as a big mountain. After all, they become my column's platform.

But I am wondering whether it was good or not now.

What is right, beautiful and respectable ? Nobody knows them anytime, anywhere, after all.


Now I have been doing a lot of things now, and I am broadcasting ambiguous results (of diet, power, atomic energy, copyright and electronic oven).

In addition, a lot of people gave me their advice of "waste of my life" and "loss of my talent"

That's right.

I am afraid that I have not been able to concentrate one thing for my life, ever.


So I am going to change the interpretation of sense of worth.

I make up my mind to fix my purpose of my life as follow.

"I concentrate "I don't concentrate one thing for my life""

I am not sure that the way of my life is going to

"make me happy"


"be appreciated as "good" by people"

So I will ask people expect for me, to estimate my sense of worth slowly after my death.

2016-04-06 If the market that "the harassment aimed at young people only" exists, this will be sold a lot. [長年日記]

Now I am trying to make a "indoor radio clock tower" using a sound device and a software of the wave generator.

I have already found that the wave clock could get the dummy time the generator made, using a headphone, So I knew to use the receive antenna and other experiments in vain.


I become serious.

I got a sound AMP made in China, and a pair of speaker, and go over the experiment.

Actually, the speaker(sound) is not needed, however I expected that the magnet and coil made a proper eleactric wave.

As a result, the experiment was a failure.


When I tried the same experiment using notebook computer at my office, the colleagues complained that they hear unpleasant harmonic sound"

But, I didn't hear anything at all.

Last night, when I amplified the sound at maximum range on the second floor of my room, my second daughter who was on the first floor of the living room, jumped to my room.

"Papa, a great unpleasant sound is heard. what's that?"

However, I could not hear the sound and , my wife who was together with the second daughter seemed not to hear.


The 40kHz audio signal (or, the audio signal of the frequency of the 1/3) is to choose a person to attack.

I might sell this machine as instead of "indoor tower," "aging measuring instrument".

Moreover, if the market that "the harassment aimed at young people only" exists, this will be sold a lot.

2016-04-07 "Does the Internet make us happy?" [長年日記]

I am a person who think that anywhere is good for me, as long as mail-order services is abailable even if no busy shopping streets and no department stores are.

On the other hand, my wife insists on saying "I cannot live my life without department stores".

Ebata:"No department store existed two hundred years ago"

Wife:"But They exist now"

For her, my hypothesis seemed to be meaningless.


The other day, I had lunch with the president and the manager of a maker company and the editor of my column.

When I broached the subject of

"Does the Internet make us happy?"

All members except for me, said "Yes".

"So, what of the Internet make us happy?"

All members answered "it is convenience".


I didn't ask them more that

"Does the convenience make us happy?"

The convenience makes us happy. Dialogue is useless.

If it is not logical, the dispute is going to be finished with the question "which is better for you, everyday you burn firewood for cooking or the bath, or not".

(To be continued)

2016-04-08 "It is troubled. Yeah, Internet is still necessary." [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Of course, it is a relative happiness, you know. This story is not "Zero and Plus" but "Minus and Zero".

However, it is relative nor not, but happiness is happiness.


When I asked Ms.M who was the editor of my column

"I want to calculate "how the Internet made us happy"

She could accept my proposal with saying "Your proposal is greatly appreciated."

At an early date, I want to start the series of the theme.


I told the same story to my family, and the second daughter gave me some questions as follows.

Daughter:"You cannot use Amazon and other mail-order services can you?"

Ebata:"Let you think how the consumption chances has been lost by the web sites"

Daughter:"Don't you care if you can watch animations by YouTube?"

Ebata:"Do you know the AD industry has got the damage by skipping the advertising video-clip?"

Daughter:"Let me see. You are going to fail to get the recipes of dishes in CookPad site"

Ebata:"Well, it ... "

"It is troubled. Yeah, Internet is still necessary."


Thanks to CookPad, the Internet is likely to be able to escape from criticism from me.

2016-04-09 who says that ? [長年日記]

At the conference where a lot of executives attend,

I think, the executive who complains

"Why does young people speak their opinions freely and vigorous?"

is really idiot.


Though they always deny younger's comments anywhere anytime,

who says that ?

Why do you think that the youngers express their opinions easily?

It is natural that they keep silent.


I became to the age to worry about it.

However, I didn't become to an executive.

2016-04-10 I think we can understand the feeling of "the fear of a middle-aged uncle who cannot even use e-mail". [長年日記]

"Ryunosuke Akutagawa" who was one of the famous novelist at 1927 in Japan, killed himself because of "vague uneasiness"(it is also the famous phrase in our Japanese).

Though I forgot when and where I read an article, the article said that the reason why he elected suicide seemed to be a "job loss".

In short, it was "depression"

Akutargawa-sensei was an amateur, except for literature. He had been a literature devoted.

I think we can understand the feeling of "the fear of a middle-aged uncle who cannot even use e-mail".


Everyone. I want to say "Engineers is good".

We don't assume that "an engineer who cannot use E-mail, Word, Excel(not thinking of it).

Any engineer is going to be asked to study statistics, hardware and software design, to make prototype by "doing it yourself", and to catch up new technologies represented one after another.

Anyway, "an engineer is busy for the acquisition of technology".

I cannot guarantee that you are going to become a leading engineer, however, you will get the ability of the acquisition of the skills of the short-term. I think it stands out than other occupations.


If Akutagawa-sensei had been an engineer as a side business, he should not have elected suicide for the "vague uneasiness".

However, in that case, I make sure that "Akutagawa-prize" had not been established.

2016-04-11 I am afraid that engineers of my own generation is going to show doubt, if they hear the word "AI". [長年日記]

From this April, I also hold the Artificial Intelligent(AI) post too.

My potential intelligence of research engineering have been founded ... is not true. Our team members are assigned the same AI section.

"Well, it is "AI"..."

I am afraid that engineers of my own generation is going to show doubt, if they hear the word "AI".


The work of research has two aspects at the same time.

One is "to hold court when a technology become hot"


The other is "after full boom of the technology for the their problems and limitations we have to random-walk to seek for foods(budget) with poor clothes in frigit wild.

Any technology fields are almost same, but I remember that "AI" is terrible especially.

"To start with hope, and to end with desperation"

There had been the fear like "Magika-Madoka" in "AI" field.


Can I believe "AI" again, passing over 20 years?

This year seems to be put to the test for me.

2016-04-12 I know a person who buys enormous books, and "just" accumulate them on the desk or shelf. [長年日記]

Now I am reading a book I purchased at a convenience store, whose title is "Adult economics common sense".

I think that many customers who come to a convenience store, have no intention to buy any book at all, so the books in the store might be easy to read with simple words and phrases.

Studying "technical writing", the books have displayed in convenience store are good for you.


I know a person who buys enormous books, and "just" accumulate them on the desk or shelf.

Even if the person could get something relief to have the books, it is just private issue. I should not say any comment. But I dislike such persons called "bibliophilia" who just collect books but don't read them at all.

I also must read a variety of books for my work; nevertheless I will be a bankrupt if I buy all books I want to read.

In my case, a public library helps me a lot, thouth there are two problems.

(1) I can never write down in the book.

(1) I have to return the book.

Of course, it is natural. But for me, it has tremendous difference between possible or not.

(To be continued)

2016-04-13 So, let me say, I am in trouble now. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

I think that the significant of purchasing books personally

"I can write my comments(grafftis, graphs, tables other materials) down in the book.

My brain is, probably used to understand the summary of the book with working my hands or fingers, or to shag the book with reading over and again in order to solidify my knowledge.

The above acts are strictly prohibited for any book in library(It's natural)


So, now, the steps of my book purchase are as follows.

(Step 1) I read a book in public library.

(Step 2)The book sits on my mind, I want to get the urge to write my comments down,

(Step 3)I purchase the book from Amazon site.

I think that the procedures save money in tenth-value layer.


But in the present, I am reading a book, which

- is impossible to purchase from Amazon site,

- is not opened on book rack in the library (published in 1970's),

- is needed to ask librarian to pick up from the storage of the library,

and, it is great book.

So, let me say, I am in trouble now.

I am afraid that it is desperately difficult to republish the only one book for me( Absolutely impossible)


I like a paper book, which is writable, and is not needed power, light, falling, and submersion under water.

I know that e-book is good for every aspects, cost, usability, and others, however the new business "only one book published" is going to make me happy.

2016-04-15 "Human body is a control system" is my philosophy. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

These days, I am doing "prediction diet",

The diet is to estimate my own weight before mounting the weighing machine.

When the difference between your prediction weight and real weight is less than 0.1 kg, you win. Otherwise you lose.

You also plot these both value on a graph.

What a fun of this process is that you are able to become to see the following.

- The impact is not for the dinner last night, but ramen and dumpling three days before, this morning.

- How heavy my constipation from yesterday is

- Tuesday and Saturday is the day I lose weight.(in my case)


"Human body is a control system" is my philosophy.

If it is true, we are going to feel annoyed that we, who are owner the control systems are at the mercy of the uncontrollable bodies.

Of course, I know that we cannot control a whole of my body at our proposal( for example, diseases), however,

"Do you want to overwhelm even your weight on your own will ?"

2016-04-16 "2015 Cabinet Office issued "White Paper of suicide countermeasures" [長年日記]

In order for a new series of my column, I buy a lot of used books from Amazon at my own charge.

But I also buy some new books, because I want to know the latest numbers or data.

The same book that I had lent from a public library and had waring of returning (I didn't know to need to return faster than other books), is coming,

"2015 Cabinet Office issued "White Paper of suicide countermeasures"


This was the last one book in Amazon site.

To begin with, I think that a person is really unusual to buy this kind of white paper individually.

(To be continued)

2016-04-17 What I expect the white paper, is "the number has been described abundantly, exactly, and clarity. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Yesterday, I wrote about "2015 the Cabinet Office issued" suicide countermeasures White Paper", which is a beautiful book of color and whose size is heavily B3 type.The price is also cheap, that is 2160yen (including tax) .

The books, which the government and public offices have been issued, are always at bargain, I think. Because there are a lot of data I want to get, and I enjoy reading the books(just watching graphs and tables are good).

The data of the book is available in some Excel files from the site of each ministry and agency. Anyway it is very helpful for me, as a researcher and writer.


However, conversely, even if the data contains "false", I don't do anything because there is nothing except for the numbers.

During the war of the Pacific War, the Imperial Headquarters announced a false veterans, and gave false data to the public, and they had continued trampled a large principle of democracy.

If the data of "suicide countermeasures White Paper" is bullshit, my analysis become a completely useless act, and the ridiculous article is going out to the world.

I think that this is considerably horrible.


The white paper has a variety of budget usage, and has also been described some corresponding measures and effects, however I don't care of them at all.

What I expect the white paper, is "the number has been described abundantly, exactly, and clarity.

Anyway I don't read any articles except for the numbers.

2016-04-18 He looked annoyed with saying "What a bummer, my type is same as you!" in front of my eyes. [長年日記]

The other day, my family discussed "woman or man after our mind".

I talked my impression of the story "all men like chesty women" get magnified to my family.

I also said that "I know many men who like a woman who wears her short hair, slim and the initial acceleration is larger (fast mover)"


When I told this story to my coworkers, he frowned in displeasure.

He looked annoyed with saying "What a bummer, my type is same as you!" in front of my eyes.


When I asked my family except for me(all women) about their types, I was very surprised to hear their comments.

"I never accept a man of short"

They said that with one voice.

(To be continued)

2016-04-19 Thinking deeply again, this story has the same that "beauty", "handsome" persons are always going to be chosen. and I could make me cool. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

The man will be rejected as a boy friend by women, because of the his low at the date.

It cannot be helped that explaining an "unreason" against "taste", but I was really surprised at the women's trivial matter at my heart.

In my case, I have nothing of deep emotion of "both a low man and a tall woman are walking together."


If the man is "obesity", you could ask the responsibility to himself with saying "your effort of diet is not enough".

But I felt the anger in its absurdity "what kind of responsibility the men of the "short stature" have".

Thinking deeply again, this story has the same that "beauty", "handsome" persons are always going to be chosen. and I could make me cool.


But I cannot accept the above my own logic.

I am thinking hard again, whether this story is really same.

2016-04-20 After I started to contribute my column to a web site, I have become to anxious about other's documents (contents, styles and methods) more. [長年日記]

After I started to contribute my column to a web site, I have become to anxious about other's documents (contents, styles and methods) more.

For example, the readers

- don't want to read more than three lines (so itemizations are needed)

- don't want to read the phrase of long idiom (so dividing the sentence is needed)

- want to skip difficult kanjis (so adding "kana" if necessary)

- hate to persistent rhetorics ? → If I want to use them, they are up to a maximum of two times in one page

I come to understand the above very well.

All of them are the essences of technical writing.

Work of engineers is going to be functional for column-writings. I am deeply moved that "I don't know what is useful for me"


The other day, I was looking at the Web site of the crowd-funding of Yahoo.

Crowd-funding is, in the literal sense, to introduce something new business, and to collect the money from investors.

The request of the work with presenting the reward, is also possible at the site.

(To be continued)

2016-04-21 "Who can pay for making these articles?" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

By the way,

I often find a type of articles of others, and I wonder who writes such articles as follows.

- a talk-show program last night,

- a flames of SNS

The article shows the summary of the above.

The articles seems to be get page views constantly.

But I think that making these articles doesn't need difficult researches, thoughts, and logical thinking.

It is only to describe the results of the observation, in a nutshell, "simple".

"Who can pay for making these articles?"

It is wonder for me.


I could understand the lines at the Web site of the crowd-funding of Yahoo.

There were a lot of job ads of writers who were expected like above.

In addition, the costs were cheap, like the price of set meal of "bean sprouts stir-fried and natto".


Such people are making mass production of the column, and other people are consuming their time with reading the columns.

However, while thinking, I suddenly noticed.

"It is me as both sides."

2016-04-22 If you try to do something, someone opposite is absolutely. [長年日記]

If you try to do something, someone opposite is absolutely.

If you accomplish something over the objection of that someone,

that someone talks about them like their own achievements, forgetting the opposite.

There is also a reverse of the pattern, however, anyway, companies and organization is like that.


Well, maybe, I am also like the "somebody", and I am an unpleasant guy.

It is hard to see myself, however, I have that awareness.

"If I hate someone, I am also hated as the same in the quality and quantity of the same order". That is my belief derived from the energy conservation law. And perhaps, it is the truth.

Just because, "Do not justify that I am hated" is also my belief,

"When I am done, I do hit back", also, is my belief.


When I see that the fresh persons wearing a new suit are moving as a group,

I think that the season is coming, when I want to tell them a sermon, that is really silly.

At the same time, I have an awareness that "if I do it, I really become the end in the true sense of the word"

2016-04-23 "Why should I take care of the train diagrams except for my commute lines?" [長年日記]

This weekend, I am trying to make a train diagram simulator privately,

But the scale of the simulator is limited for my commute line only.

Firstly, I started the study as a target of whole of Tokyo-metropolitan area, however, I noticed that the area was too large to research them for my ability and effort. Because there are much unknown data and parameters. They had annoyed me long time.

At the moment, I recovered my senses suddenly.

"Why should I take care of the train diagrams except for my commute lines?"

I think the thought is suitable for me.


Though there are a lot of worldwide professional engineers of train diagram research around me, I don't rely on them. To tell you the truth, I can't rely on them.

Of course, one reason is "contamination". But moreover, I am afraid that I should need more than half year to understand their difficult researches.

On the other hand, the deadline of next column is coming next month.

2016-04-24 The one of the reasons I always say "Big data, it must die" [長年日記]

The book of "Odakyu diagram table in 2016" arrives a little time ago, I ordered yesterday.

I need the basic data and parameters for my train diagram simulator I told you yesterday.

At any rate, I think,

If the data of the diagram data has been opened on the Web site, it will help me very well absolutely.

On the other hand, I also think that it cannot be helped.


Firstly, the train diagram is very valuable data, so some people can buy the data for a high price.

Secondly, few people wants to use the data for their own interest only. (It might be me only, I think)

Finally, if the data like the above, becomes opened, I am afraid that a lot of annoyed troubles will happen (some armatures claims the design of diagram, or abused by terrorist)


I think that train diagram data is one of the typical "big data", so called.

The one of the reasons I always say "Big data, it must die" is

"there are a lot of idiots who want to talk about "big data business", even they don't know it is very hard to get the "big data". It is really a rare case.

2016-04-25 All the train was stopped at a point 490 meters from Shinjuku, even any accident has not occurred. [長年日記]

Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.


The "train simulator for the injury" I was making on the weekend, was buggy.

- All the train was stopped at a point 490 meters from Shinjuku, even any accident has not occurred.

- Nevertheless, the starting station will continue to depart the train from one minute to the next.

"Well, the first version of new simulator is such a thing."


Well, the new series has started.

As usual, at this time, we look forward to your participation and comments of the survey.

I am happy if you send me your mail with using this form.

This time, I am going to utilise a questionnaire form of Google, and I try to make your effort less.

Needless to say, at this time I also do keep any your privacy information in an absolute meaning.(I promise "disposal after reading" with your mail address as before.)

For other conditions, please see this my diary.


Thank you very much for your great cooperations, in advance.

2016-04-26 "they don't care of politician's zipper moral" [長年日記]

The old day, the media had a implied contract between the power, like

"they don't care of politician's zipper moral"

and they hesitated dealing with politician's sexual scandal as a implied rule.


You know, premarital sex, comarital sex and marital infidelity are not penal offense(principle of free love)

(There was "criminal conversation" before the WW2. The law was abolished after the WW2)

Of course, I know that many people feel that they are immoral and irremissible.

But the persons who can ask for compensation against premarital sex, comarital sex and marital infidelity are only victims, for example spouses, affianced, family in law.

Even if we blame for the unfaithfulness, no influence will happen against the person in the legal sense of the term.

Beyond that, politicians have power.

At that age, it was terrible difficult for ordinal people to rip from their platform.


At the present, I don't know how the implied rule is managed, however,

(Step 1) Enormous flaming messages happen on the Internet.

(Step 2)The medias start blaming with using the flaming messages.

(Step 3)After that, the hostile forces(opposition parties, civic association) begin to drive out the person with using the above actions.

The above pattern seems to be usual these days.

(To be continued)

2016-04-27 At the present, I cannot feel "moral hazard" in the above phrases. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Usually, a scandal of a councilman's extramarital love affair is called "women's issues".

From now, numbers of councilwoman are certain to increase, and the phrase of "man's issue" is going to appear in media.

I don't feel something is wrong especially.


In the future, I think that the world is going to be more acceptable for homosexuality.

Even under the circumstance,

the scandal of a councilman's extramarital love affair is going to be called "man's issues".

the scandal of a councilwoman's extramarital love affair is going to be called "woman's issues".

Of course, I think it is suitable and should be common, however,

To tell you the truth, I still feel something is wrong.

At the present, I cannot feel "moral hazard" in the above phrases.

This means, that I cannot understand homosexuality perfectly from the bottom of my heart.


There are a big wall in my mind between the logical understanding and mental understanding.

Can I break the wall by many researches, study and logics of mine?

I want to continue the verification of my own.

2016-04-28 In spite of myself, I shouted "It is the victory of "engineer choice"" (for more information, please read the column). [長年日記]

My new column is released, so I take a day off.

Mr.Ebata's struggling for DIY Home Security System by EtherCAT(9) "

To make one plastic cup, both the master and maid communicate more than 4000 times.


Yesterday, after the OK proof, Mr.president I had had a interview with,

asked for referring this article in my column.

I was greatest moved about in one year after reading the article.

In spite of myself, I shouted "It is the victory of "engineer choice"" (for more information, please read the column).


EtherCAT, that I have fallen for the mechanism, and I have been installing in my house during weekend, as a weekend researcher.

By this this article, I think that many engineers come to understand the design concept, beautiful specification, high-efficiency of EtherCAT.

On the other hand, it is true that I feel the loneliness, such as "my daughter is going to major" at the same time(for more information, please read the column).



"How about that? Do our "engineer choice" look like a fool ?"

The article had me floating on air.

Well, I know well that I don't do anything about this issue especially.

2016-04-29 In short, It was me, running around wham-bam. [長年日記]

I think that I know more the power distribution and transmission system more than ordinary people.

In the morning of the other day, an blackout happened, and I confirmed the breaker, went out, accessed a transportation information system by a cell-phone, and, searched an transistor radio.

In short, It was me, running around wham-bam.

Hearing my shout "Get ready for the coming S-wave !", my wife and daughter was having a piece of toast with ease.

It was helpful time that only a head of family became panic.

(The cause of the blackout seemed to be a small fire of nearby brush)


Sometimes, "To know a lot" becomes worse.

2016-04-30 "I have not learned anything except for my failures" [長年日記]

There is a brochure of prep-school on the step in my house during these days.

"Learn from you failure" is written in the front cover.

And I don't tidy it either, and leave it as is.

Whenever I see the phrase, I think "what are they saying any more?"

"I have not learned anything except for my failures"


In this month, a paper has been on the toilet door with writing "urine testing".

Whenever I see the paper, I am interested in the testing.

"How long is the testing doing?"