This is Tomita.
This morning I got up because of stomach ache.
Thank you for your trial yesterday.
However I left half soup approximately.
If it had been the main party, I could have tried it more.
I think that I could take out the soup, I cooked it and made a delicious porringer.
By the way, according to Mr.Sato's proposal as a follow,
I want to propose that new checkbox that is described as "I have finished eating-up Hokkyoku-Ramen", should be added in metal health tests, and if the checkbox is filled in, the person being tested should be mental-counseling as soon as possible.
I think that there is one hypothesis that
The individual which usually feels an extreme mental stress,
are going to let a mental stress relatively relieve by physical stress such as "Hokkyoku-Ramen"
So I support his consideration.
If you feel itchy by a mosquito, you should knock on the affected part to feel pain. Because you damage skin when you tear it.