Now I am making a program of a control network that works for robots and belt conveyors in factories of mayonnaise and mackerel can, for example ( "control network" in short).
Though it is too hard for me to make it from scratching, I refer to the open source code (licensed by GPL2) of the control network with gratitude.
Every day in commute train, I read the source code again and again, and I think with sigh
"How beautiful it is!"
The original developer seemed not to use any abstraction methods, like object-oriented programming and inheritance at all. That means it is very high-readable.
Flawless, simplicity and fortitude
Not truckling to the trends of the times, painstaking performance, resource retrench, perfect readability, and reasonable program file division based on the task layers.
This program is the cherished treasure, that makes me say
"Well. it is good"
(To be continued)