
2015-02-20 "The thoughts of making things is similar to those of Japanese craftsmen and engineers." [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

I tried to search for the original developer of the source code, and I knew that the source code had been provided from Germany, that was famous of "Industrie 4.0".

I thought, "that makes sense"

"The thoughts of making things is similar to those of Japanese craftsmen and engineers."

The reason why the Japanese government under Japanese Imperial constitution chose Germany as an allied nations before the World War 2

was, of course, to had become conspicuous fascism.

But I think that there might had been that many engineers intentions of those day had been added as historical necessity.


I tried to contact the developer of this program, but it was very hard and annoyed me.

Firstly, I contacted a company in Germany, whose name had written in source code, and they responded me that this program had already been transferred to the other organization.

Secondly, I contacted the manager of the organization, and he answered me "I am not the original author of the program"

Finally, I could contact the original developer.

I could hear from him about some miscellaneous talk, for example, this program had been developed for his private motivation.


I opened the developer's Facebook profile, and clicked "Address".

So, I gasped in surprise.

If it was not my mistake, in the center of my PC display

North-east area of the United States,

was shown.