"Younger researchers in these day, are suppose to want ot use the words "market scale" and "business model, before starting their study"
I heard about the above person who has got mad with the younger researchers.
I also hear the person is my boss of other days, and
I was very glad.
I felt that my revered boss also thought some thing of what I have wanted to say.
I who am a research manager of private company, cannot admit any research project without the view of market size and business model
in public.
So I usually tell you on a routine basis
"Cheat us, who are your bosses"
For me, thinking new research theme, based on market size and business model,
is impossible.
I need a research that makes me happy.
I have too many research themes which I want to do, so now I am working to spread the new concept of "weekend researcher" out in the world.
In addition, the research that I want to do, don't make money at all.
For example, the research of "Diet" makes no money, even if some people become to dislike my activities.
I who am clever, smart, intelligent and handsome, could destroy easier the logic of the market size or business model, you are trying to think. I believe I don't need three seconds for the destruction.
What I want to watch is not the correct market size or business model you believe correct.
I want to get your nonsense data, un-logical hypothesis and, zeal and craze for your life.
If you can do it,
I am going to be cheated by you.