Recently my daughters often tell me that I smell.
"Smell of age, sake, and kimchi" and so on.
I always eat kimchi and dried hard squid in the house for my diet, and I eat them in my room. So the smells seem to expand around the house.
Yesterday morning, when I go down to the living room, my senior daughter said "you smell".
I muttered "It is smell of sake last night isn't it", but she said
"No. it is smell of fart"
I will be costiveness by my daughter's checks.
As a smell sensor of mine, my daughter is the most high-performance device in the world.
According to an article of web site, father's body scent is made of substances his daughters feel umbrage.
Any old thing, nature makes the mechanism to avoid a incest.
This might be a flatter article for father who has daughter.
(To be continued)