At regular compulsive workout day of my office a month,
my junior daughter of the seventh grade handed me down a paper when I had a dinner alone.
And she said to me, "Papa, can you solve this problem?"
"4x10=17, 4x11=18,4x12=19,... Oh No! I can't do it. I cannot find the more than 20 number" Alice seems to try to a multiplication, but what is she on earth doing? (The author of "Alice in Wonderland" Lewis Carol was a famous mathematician)
"Linear acceleration and geometrical progression seems not to be matched in this problem."
"Even if I try to make another meaning for symbol "x" or "=", I cannot escape from restricting the word "multiplication"."
"This problem might be on the integration field, and if so, multi-peaks problems of continuous function should be nonsense."
Leaving the table for another bowl of rice, my daughter passed me the paper. So, I could not move my body with watching the problem and grasping the bowl.
(To be continued)