As the first time, I make an event, like "the challenge to readers", and advertise for a hypothesis.
The theme of the hypothesis is
"Why we feel that slimming body is beautiful, even if the body has a risk of continued existence of a species"
I hope that you will read the column to understand the background. According to the hypothesis, you don't have to do the verification at all, but make it the closed rough logic.
If it is a plausible explanation, I will be happy.
Yesterday, I sent the mail including the idea, and now I have already got the hypothesis from three readers.
One is almost what I am now thinking, and the other is a little difficult for me. So I might ask some explanations about it after that.
"It is fun for me."
I could have a wonderful lunch time with reading the hypothesis, today.
I will continue to accept your hypothesis until the next finish proofreading.
If you could join this event, I hope you will send me your mail using this mail address.