
2015-11-18 (3)To buy the speech time. [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

But I think my I have no sense of responsibility just to speak insultingly.

So I want to show you the following proposals against the worst speeches.

(1)To distribute a paper of the speech before.

It is one of the best idea I believe.

Above all, everyone can valuate the speech for the first time, and estimate the end time. In addition we might remind the contents( the lowest possibility, I think).

(2)To declare the dead time before the speech.

According to the QoT(Quality of time), it is good for the attendances who can know the total time of their pain before.

A new innovation of microphone is going to be expected, that make it turn power off automatically when the deadline comes.

(In this time, this invention is a public knowledge. The patent application of this microphone is in vain. You can develop and sell this device safely.)

(3)To buy the speech time.

A person who have spoken longer unexpectly, pays some money as gratuity to bridal couple. I can accept that one min. is equal to ten thousands.

(4)To mark the speech in real time.

The attendances put "Good" button from Smart-phone and Cell-phone, the total point is going to show a wall of the party place by projector, in real time.

I am afraid that the organised vote becomes rampant absolutely, thought I am going to be the last person who goes against it.

(To be continued)