(Continuation from yesterday)
Ebata:"Under "what you want", there are enormous quantities of "what you don't want" like a layer. If persons who are doing "what they want", they know well that,"
Daughter:"And ?"
Ebata:"The conclusion is very clear. The persons who say "Do what you want only" doesn't realize "what they want" or misunderstand "what they want"
Daughter:"Is that your message to a young girl of 17 years ? "
Ebata:"No. This is just a prolusion."
Ebata:"In most case, both "what you want" and "what you don't want" is like a plate meal. Many people is likely to avoid a meal included their unfavourite food , even if it includes their favourite food.
Daughter:"Excuse me?"
Ebata: "The meals we can select are going to be limited. This is typical Mottainai in our life"
Daughter:"Are you talking about life or meal?"
Ebata:"The method to resolve this problem is only one. It is "invention" that you become to like "what you don't want". It is not"effort"s but "invention".
(To be continued)