News say every day."600,000 personal information outflows", for example.
No matter how we want to stop the outflows, it might be in vain.
Moreover, after we use mail-order shopping, it is too late.
I think that "name", "address", "age", "sex", and "occupation" has already opened through several routes.
I sometimes take a call from unknown company, however,
first thing I say is
"First, explain the background of getting my cell-phone number. After that I hear your talk"
After the saying, the call never come strangely.
"Rude fellow. At first, why don't you tell me your name and company?"
"Your background and purpose are not identified. Let me know it definitely"
seem to be good.
My daughters often say to me,
"You always blame a person anytime by telephone"
It is unexpected, but probably it might be a fact.