The book of "Odakyu diagram table in 2016" arrives a little time ago, I ordered yesterday.
I need the basic data and parameters for my train diagram simulator I told you yesterday.
At any rate, I think,
If the data of the diagram data has been opened on the Web site, it will help me very well absolutely.
On the other hand, I also think that it cannot be helped.
Firstly, the train diagram is very valuable data, so some people can buy the data for a high price.
Secondly, few people wants to use the data for their own interest only. (It might be me only, I think)
Finally, if the data like the above, becomes opened, I am afraid that a lot of annoyed troubles will happen (some armatures claims the design of diagram, or abused by terrorist)
I think that train diagram data is one of the typical "big data", so called.
The one of the reasons I always say "Big data, it must die" is
"there are a lot of idiots who want to talk about "big data business", even they don't know it is very hard to get the "big data". It is really a rare case.