(Continuation from yesterday)
Ebata:" "Tumble from the summit of glorious life"... I think you mistake how to use the phrase"
SD:"Both "short breath" and "eighteen" were absolutely "desperation" for me"
Ebata:" It is "desperation" isn't it? I am very sorry but the "desperation" is coming again and again in your future.
Ebata:"As for my generation, "20 years", "25 years" and "29 years" old were, so called "three big desperations" with sharp pain, for not only women but also men.
Ebata:"However a new pain has come in 35 years old, and 39 years old has already been in scope. I don't want to say about it any more"
SD:"So many pains are going to come...."
Ebata:"However, the more you are old, the more the pain will be more mild. The pain is going to change "short keen" into "long sluggish". So you don't have to worry it. It become easier with your age.
SD:"It is not a welcome relief"