In this family overseas trip, I tried to use "International WiFi mobile router" for the first time.
Except for me, all family has become smart-phone uses, and they wanted to use the Internet in the Taiwan. In addition, I knew that enormous payment would happen, if they use the local carrier for telecommunication.
So I decided that I went around with a metal box and work as "mobile router" in the literature.
However, as for me, I could not use the mobile route during the trip.
The PC I had brought in Taiwan could not search the WiFi access points, and could not get IP address by Wire LAN either. It had been quite helpless.
As a result, I had a rare experiment that I could not get in touch PC for four days, since I was 19 year's old.
I wondered if I could not check e-mails, and update my diary.
It was possible,
and pretty comfortable
In particular, I had a gut feeling that stopping using PC at night was more effect for quiet sleep.
"Um.. Shall I stop the diary, columns and works, taking this opportunity ?"
I really thought that.
After the trip, I engaged to update the diary for the four days, and write the column for deadline for several days.
As a result, I could return to my old life.