
2017-10-04 However, the SoS system consisting of the old "idols and fans" strictly continued its system operation. [長年日記]

"A guy will beat a idol, because of grudging against what he was blocked by Twitter from the idol (singer)"

Everyone can criticize such "stupid guy".

However, from the viewpoint of information engineering, especially "cooperative distributed system". I think that it can not be said that "There is no problem at all" in the form of the current idle business.


For example, the Internet is also the seamless world's largest information network, and at the same time, it can be said that it is the world's largest information system that includes multiple systems.

Such an aggregation of systems is called System of Systems (SoS).

From the viewpoint of SoS management entity, Maier et al.[1] proposed that an SoS can be described as one of four types of (A)Directed, (B)Acknowledged, (C)Collaborative, (D)Virtual.

[1]Mark W. Maier, "Architecting principles for systems-of-systems", In INCOSE 1996 6th An-nual International


Now, according to the definition of the four aspects of this SoS, the relationship between the idle and the fan,

- Subordinate systems (fans) are exploited high-value and exchangeable goods (money) from the host system (idle)

- The host system (idle) pushes low-value and unexchangeable illusion (entertainment) to the subordinate system (fan)

This is an economically symbiotic SoS in which the host system continues to dominate the subordinate system, based on information asymmetric relationship.

I think that not only when we were young, but also when young people are now understand this "information asymmetry".

However, the SoS system consisting of the old "idols and fans" strictly continued its system operation.

(To be continued)