(Continuation from yesterday)
Whenever my birthday comes, what I think that
- we endure, persevere, strive, and we get something (such as identity, money, knowledge, etc.)
- I double whether our life is really valuable, against being doomed to die, while destroying abomination
―― と。
I think that "they are not valuable"
If "they are not valuable" is true, I think
- we should not make efforts beyond our performances,
- we should not have excessive patience or perseverance that will destroy our mind.
However, if there is only one hope,
I think that there will be a big difference between "what we observe us from the outside" and "what we observe us from the inside".
When I was a teenager, I could not imagine "what I am who lived for half a century now."
And then, at that time, I believed that "I, who lived for half a century" has declined severely and has miserable time without no reasons.
(To be continued)