I made a 100 million population simulator for Japan, as a weekend engineer.
Now, I am trying to make a new difficult simulation, because the objects of the simulation(persons and mobilises) keep moving on a map, and to tell you the truth,
I am crazed with the programming.
The other day, when I found that more than 200 thousands person in my simulator were missing, I was about to give a scream.
In order to resolve this "200 thousands person's abduction", I kept searching these disappearance places. When I found the point, I came to lose my strength.
In addition, the next day, I found "three person's abduction", and I needed one day to find the position.
I think this is rare case, however
"I am about to go off programming"
of my mental state.
In my column serial, I make a simple simulator. So I can image the output of the simulation.
The counts of the target objects are more from dozens to one hundred at most.
However, even if the counts become "million", "10 million" and "1000 million", it becomes despairingly impossible to make a image of the movement.
Now my computer continue to calculate the simulator with screaming, and
I also continue to debug with screaming