(Continuation from yesterday)
Ebata:"However, you could not believe that"
Ebata:"This is real story, you know"
SD:"What's that?"
Ebata:"I really want to live a life that I don't makes wave and live free and easy in a quiet and calm atmosphere"
At that time, my wife who was washing dishes, burst into laughing.
SD:"If so, why did you add your works, a new plan, interview and writing in the neighborhood association?"
Ebata:"If it looks interesting, useful and viable, it is natural to want to make an offer"
SD:"Kidding! It is just your overload. you should keep your own business with following instructions from the predecessor"
Ebata:"It must to be bored"
SD:"Just for two years! Why cannot you endure the boredom?"
Ebata: "If I could do such things, my life would be more different!"
Believe it or not, My ideal way of life is,
"I will write a patent specification slowly. while sunbathing on the verge all day"
That is true.