(Continuation from yesterday)
he reason why PCs have become "uncomfortable tool" is the interface. If you want to know the reason, the nearest way to make an PC application by yourself.
If I want to make applications for PC easily in as short a time as possible, I will design as that interface("Open", "Close" or "Overwrite Save").
By the way,
You might think that the current GUI based interface is "difficult to use".
However, when that GUI interface appeared, our world (such as engineers and researchers) fell into a big mess.
I can never forget that shock when I used the GUI of "Macintosh SE 30" for the first time.
One of researchers had been rushing to "GUI will be disappeared soon" disrespectfully.
(There was a group of net news called "fj", and he always responded unpleasantly. So even now I remember his full name (I can say it)).
Anyway, now it may be unbelievable for you,
"The interface of the current GUI was a miracle technique combining a human (an ordinary person) and a computer"
At the same time, the "excessive respect" of the public to specified persons (like, engineers and researchers) who can handle computers at the command line, has also been lost.
Before the GUI interface appeared, there was a time when they proud of their son or boyfriend could use "computer" (with distance look)
(To be continued)