(Continuation from yesterday)
SD:"Well, how do you live your life?"
Ebata:"I am just running about to finish the job before me. I don't have any special "future dream".
SD:"Purposes of life are not indispensable, are they?"
Ebata:"Unnecessary is O.K. Such purposes are going to make you suffer"
SD:"I think you are doing many works actively at the same time."
Ebata:"I just involve a lot"
SD:"Why do you want to do such difficulties so much?"
Ebata:"Certainly, "burden" gives me keen pains, however, "off hour" is also painful.
Ebata:"Of course, it differs greatly in individuals. So we have to control "off hour" by ourselves."
SD:"I don't want to do much. If I do something, I have to be involved by others. If I am involved by others, I may be hurt by the others.
Ebata:"It might be good. However, I think there are a pile of way of "living alone"."
Ebata:"I think that my life is an example."
Ebata:"For me, both a company and a neighborhood association are just "systems", and the persons who involve the system, are just "system elements. In addition, this is the most important point..."
Ebata:"I have never thought that I can control the "systems" and "elements" and I want to control them."
Ebata:"I can tell you that it is "you" I have contacted sincerely and seriously."
Ebata:"However, sometimes, the "systems" and "elements" becomes my obstacles against resolving my problems. In that case..."
SD:"In that case?"
江端:" "Run away from it" or "destroy it" ".