
2018-08-29 "patriotism", "company spirit" and "school spirit" are same in that respect "being enforced to love" [長年日記]

(Continuation from yesterday)

Conceptualizing "Loving the place where I lived" as a word "patriotism" means, I think, that there are persons in need, who want to include the concept in the process of primary school education.

In fact, before the Pacific War, our nation was eager to develop consensus-building systems by the education based on "patriotism".

This was really good approach.

If our child say about "national honor" or "pledged loyalty", the parents should have kept silence.

I am bloviating the above, however, this is a typical stereotype opinion of a person who is called "liberalist". and this is not novel at all( I agree with these opinion ).


However, recently I sometimes think the following.

Would the "patriotism" education continue, as a effective education system, if Japan won the Pacific War finally ?

To tell you the truth, the "patriotism" education has a beneficial effect.

For China and the USA, this system with using "patriotism" is managed in the field of education and law.

For example, the elementary education leads on hate against the past and present potential enemy, and the law to impose punishment on a person who insults their nation.

However, these two countries have the multiethnic population, and the statism of them doesn't work well.

Therefore, from the view of statims, "patriotism" education is a good strategy for the cost effectiveness.


Not only "patriotism", but also "company spirit" is the first process of "black company", so called, and "school spirit" also has many troubles. They has been reported about in the media.

"patriotism", "company spirit" and "school spirit" are same in that respect "being enforced to love"

However, the difference between "patriotism" and the others, is that we can run away from "being enforced to love" in the frame of nation.

Especially nations can make a law ( for example, military-draft system) and take us by the collar.

(To be continued)