Recently, when I watch scandals of power harassment, I always think "why do they admit their mistake, and resign their works ?"
In many cases, delaying the motion to resign, their past private errors are revealed, and their credits are going down.
Watching their attitudes with TV.
"I can understand their behaviours well"
I can keenly feel that.
The person who are apt to take a bad mean such this,
(1)to stay the power for a long time,
(3)to have an alternate work.
I think they have the above three characteristics.
If persons who was a big-name athlete, and known as not only the name but also the face, they are more likely to be the (1)-(3).
And I think that the persons oblige to use sense of value or conventionality of the past, even if they are nonsense at the present.
As the result, I am afraid that they are apt to enforce "power harassment" ( though I don't feel pity for them at all)
In short,
"attitude of adamantine stubbornness"
is the weakest policy at this phrase, even if that was the strongest policy in their youth.
On the other hand, we, business persons, who keep being broken our hearts by frequent job and task changes for social trends and company requests and HRs, has an
"attitude of endurance philosophically"
that makes us utmost strongers with a lot of weak weapons.
For example,
ordered to make codes, write patent applications, submit reports, manage investigative commissions, negotiate companies, and make a contract with an overseas organizations
I am a minor business person in any field, however, I believe that I have an effective "universal skill set" than them of five-star in the past period.
Therefore, I can answer easily against the question of "why do they admit their mistake, and resign their works ?"
I believe that
"Weakness" that is analyzed objectively and calculated drastically, is "strength"
So, whenever I hear a person's appeal "Focus on one thing!", I always say to the person,
"Don't be silly"