In animated "Beatless", Heroine's Humanoid Interface Elements (HIE) humanoid robot "Lacea" makes a consistent doctrine
"Tools and humans are united and become one" w
and she is active in the story.
She says that the idea that "human beings are dominated by AI" is nonsense.
I can not write a column and I can not calculate what I want to try, without a PC.
Without a PC, I think that I did not do any reckless attempt to "draw illustrations by myself".
I can contact dozens of people at the same time by email, and I can also send the necessary files.
I can open my works on my homepage, and I can also make friendships with the works as triggers.
My PC replaces a lot of things that I can not be handled in my brain.
For even matters without my intelligence, the PC will help me.
For me who lived with a personal computer since the age of 19, the doctrine of "Lacea"
"Tools and humans are united and become one"
is a common sense, just as air exists.
However in the world, about this concept of "Tools and humans are united and become one",
Some people can realize it
other cannot realize it
That is a serious problem.
(To be continued)