I believe that the worst property of human being is "pain".
If "God" makes "human being" with the property of "pain", I think that the "God" is the worst guy
I also believe that human being may allow any type of "run away" from any pain. For example "suicide" is also O.K.
Before I wrote the column about "gender identity disorder", I tried to check the suicide rate. And I was really surprised at the highest ratio.
This is a clear evidence that "gender identity disorder" is unsupportable pain.
If the surgical operation against "gender identity disorder" come to be palliative care, the operation should be recommended, and the change of sex in census register should have been admitted promptly.
When I try to interpret the phenomenon, I try to use a science-based approach (observation -> hypothesis -> experiment -> verification)
However I could not reach to the pain of "gender identity disorder" by a science-based approach, and I was irritated about it.
So I tried an experiment, and I asked my wife's advice.
Ebata:"So, I will try to disguise me in woman's clothes. How do you think about?"
Wife; "If you act funny, I will be inflamed with rage"
Ebata:"This is "serious talk" seriously"
Wife: "Go ahead"
Ebata:"I think that both the sex of my body and the sex of my mind is same"
Wife:"And ?"
Ebata:"In order to understand the pain of "gender identity disorder" for me, I think I come to make the "disorder" enforcedly."
Ebata:"I know well that I cannot reach to the pain perfectly. However, I think I can re-create the pain of the sense of discomfort."
Wife:"I am afraid that you are wrong."
Ebata:"Is there something to fail?"
Wife:"Your idea is wrong that you can make a same condition if you make a same distance from "order"."
Ebata:"So wrong?"
Wife:"It is wrong. Wrong method, wrong idea and the approach by using logic is the worst"
Ebata:"So many "wrong"..."
Wife: "Normally thinking, the experiment will make persons who suffer from "gender identity disorder", will annoy more."
Like that, my idea was criticized terribly by wife, and the experiment was stopped.
Certainly, if I want to really understand the unsupportable pain of "gender identity disorder", I should have tried the s urgent operation, not to disguise me in woman's clothes in a half-way manner.
I mean, it is not thorough
I remember now that my wife's phrases were on target.
However, I am searching how to understand the pain of others.
So now I am studying brain-science or IT technology(neural network e.t.c.) in order to reach the pain everyday.