I spent a lot of time on this three-day holiday for something of both my work and hobby, so it is about 18 hours a day.
There were two challenges.
I was going to get skills of "How to build AWS (Amazon Web Service)" and "How to use the Michibiki (GPS) module".
I think people who live in a technical field, know -- When you want to acquire technology, you have to include a considerable number of "failures" in advance.
It is an image that repeats "read the manual → try it → fail it" about 20 times.
(Although unwillingly) after I moved my hand, repeated failures, and memorized the contents of the manual, things start to move finally.
So, if you believe that you can acquire the technology just by reading "manual" and "how-to books" once, I will give you "you looks happy".
Even if it is "(1) How to use the Michibiki (GPS) module",or
"(2) How to grab a happy life", or
"(3) How to lose 3kg in a wee"k
After all, these are “technologies”.
In order to learn "(1) How to use the Michibiki (GPS) module", you have to test how it is handled depending on the environment of the device that operates the module.
More than 20 times will be needed to rebuild it.
The technology acquisition of "(2) How to grab a happy life" is more severe.
Because human beings have their own past, environment, skills, thinking, and beliefs.
To get a happy life, you need to be prepared to fail 20 times or more.
However, there is no need to explain it now, and everyone is familiar with "(3) How to lose 3 kg in a week".
(To be continued)