I know there are a lot of people who feel more tired and pain than me.
As compared to the people, I am nothing.
However, I also feel tired and pain.
"Why does this system work as I have excepted ?"
"The system behaviors are different between same hardwares and softwares. Is this harassment by someone who hate me?"
Today all day, I rebooted the system again and again at the office near the experimental test site with my head between my hands.
For this two month, I have no recollection to take a whole day off.
I have cheated my body into working with vitamin drops and cold medication.
I also know there are a lot of persons like me in the world at the present.
At least, now for me, I am one of the persons who can think
"I don't mind if a black hole crash-dives the sun tomorrow(*).
(*)"Bye bye Jupiter" by Sakyo Komatsu