
2020-02-25 "problem for someone else", so called. [長年日記]

I think that the new type virus disease at this time, might be called "pandemic".

Now we have had a image of "an accident at poor country far from our country" when hearing the word of "pandemic".

"problem for someone else", so called.

However now, our country is now recognized as "a source of infection" is meaningful though I also think this is not valid assessment

I think there are two points.

The first point is

"We japanese now should be got "exclusion order" from other country, or that possibility will be high."

The image of "Japanese are sources of infection" is conclusiveness now, even if we keep reputation for neatness ( my misunderstanding?).

So we have a chance to be treated as discriminated internationally.

(We had already experimented it when the accident at a nuclear power generation plant | occurred)

The second point is

"This accident will be a effective engine to improve "work style reform" in our country, like tel-working, staggered office hours and refraining voluntarily from drinking parties"

In this situation, the counterforce of the reform, have no other choice to try various work styles (e.g using IT systems)

Especially, people who have rejected to use PC and tel-conference system will be distinguished, selected and abandoned.

It will pay that if we can recognize that company buildings are just boxs and they are "needless", after all.

Both peopleless convenience stores and automatic vehicle without driver will be big advantage.

Moreover, based on the virtual education classes on the Internet, if "bulling" and "seclusion" are resolved, it is wonderful, I think.


Needless to say, "pandemic" is the worst disaster.

I never want to meet the disaster again.

However the disaster is here.

So, I think that we should countermove the disaster by every means possible.