Senior Daughter: "Dad, have you ever used SPSS?
Ebata: "What... what did you...? Did you just say "SPSS"?
I know that my senior daughter is currently busy collecting data for her field questionnaire for her "Graduation Thesis."
In the current corona disaster, she is having a very difficult time with F2F surveys in a remote survey environment.
I dare to say that I am "prejudiced".
"Is a thesis in a liberal arts department really that hard?"
And I'm honestly surprised.
Once, when I was in college, I had a conversation with a humanities friend (female).
"I stayed up all night for three days to finish my thesis!"
But I remember I didn't know what to say to this phrase.
(1) "Heh, that's easy and nice"
(2) "Well, that was tough"
After all, that kind of all-night work was a regular event that occurs every other week in the Faculty of Engineering.
So, I'm honestly surprised at the recent efforts of students (but only "my daughter") in their studies.
The reason why I am surprised is that "my knowledge is old" or "my prejudice."
Today's university students can no longer grasp with the simple framework of "science" and "humanities".
This is not an action on the part of the student, "a student who is active" or "a student who is not active".
It will be "The university / faculty that can make people who can be active" or "The university / faculty that can make people who can be active".
In fact, as far as I can see my daughter, the faculty of the university she attends is highly rated by me.
Quiet talk
"SPSS" is standard software for data analysis manufactured and sold by IBM.
I have never used it, but it is a very famous software.
By the way, the data analysis software I used is mostly a product of NTT DATA Mathematical Systems
like this and this.
The word "SPSS" is coming out of my daughter.
"Now, my daughter is about to flutter in the world."
I was deeply moved.