It seems that the graduation ceremony of my eldest daughter's university will be held without being cancelled, but there seemed to be various restrictions due to the Corona measures.
Aside from the obvious "no parent/guardian allowed to attend," I had other questions, so I contacted the university.
Since I couldn't get through on the phone, I contacted them by email and received the following response.
- We can't even enter the university campus.
- Taking a picture in front of the university gate is also not allowed.
In other words, "the complete exclusion of non-graduates from the graduation ceremony.
(I reviewed the Evite Notification web site today and found that information about the above two has been added.)
I think it's a good decision".
I even consider the decision to hold the graduation ceremony in the first place as "a great degree".
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those who are in a position to take charge of organizing the event at this time of the year.
The least I can do is to minimize their hardships as much as possible.