I recently watched "Sinking Japan -- A Man of Hope" on TV on NetFlix.
I've just reviewed two episodes in about five minutes, skipping around.
What I was thinking when I watched this was--
- The people who are talking about government conspiracy theories with the COVID-19 vaccine are anti-power windbags like "Dr. Tadokoro."
Since I "deserve" the new coronary vaccine, I guess I am a bureaucrat or a government academic who is obsessed with profit-making, promotion and career.
Well, I won't deny it.
I am confident that I will continue to be a "business person who obeys his boss and authority" until three days before the sinking of Japan.
Dr. Tadokoro seems to be doing the coding of the disaster simulation on his own.
The feeling of "I can't trust my calculations to someone else" -- I understand very well.
From the screen capture, it seems that the language Dr. Tadokoro is using is "Visual C++".
I am sure of it, because I have mass-produced more programs in this language than any other in my life.
You will see a screen where a government scientist who is in conflict with Dr. Tadokoro is accused of "Data tampering".
Data tampering" is an absolute no-no.
As a scientist and an engineer, this is unacceptable behavior.
If you're going to do this -- you should tamper with the algorithm of the simulation program.
This is because it is very difficult -- though not impossible -- for someone else to read the contents of a program you have written.
Furthermore, even if you wrote the program yourself, it is already "hopelessly" difficult to falsify the program so that it outputs simulation results that are convenient for you.
This is because a program is usually buggy if some part of it is tampered with, and the effects can appear unintentionally.
It is a kind of art to falsify a program in such a way that you can get the output result you want, without any contradiction, with no problems at all.
In that sense -- I am proud to say that I am a "first-rate artist".