"The daughter of a rich family is beautiful"
I told her that it was an interesting hypothesis, but she insisted that it was not a hypothesis but a fact.
Ebata: "No, it's an established fact that the standard of beauty has continued to change throughout history. We are going to use pictures of female courtesans from the Heian period as a case study."
Junior daughter(JD): "The causal relationship between beautiful and rich can respond to changes in value over time (robustness)."
Ebata: "I'm not sure."
JD:"A rich man can have a beautiful woman of his time as a companion"
Ebata: "I agree."
JD: "A baby girl who is born from a mother will be born with a face shaped like the mother, right?"
Ebata: "It's parent and child."
JD: "I mean, the children of rich people will be beautiful -- beautiful in their own time."
I see. People with economic power have the ability to collect things of value that are relevant to the times, so they are able to choose beautiful women according to the times.
The beautiful woman, on the other hand, has the ability to be chosen, so she can nominate a man with economic power and plus alpha value.
And it is quite possible for the beautiful women to have a "handsome" element in their plus alpha.
In this way, the system of 'continued production of beautiful women based on economic power' is completed.
Of course, the shape of a person's face is also influenced by luck, so it's not always true that the daughter of a rich family is beautiful, however,
The advantage of a beautiful woman being in a position to choose someone with economic power is unassailable.
In other words, at time t → ∞, we can say that "beautiful women converge with rich people" and that "it is possible to follow the changes in values of the times".
As a result of the above discussion, I would like to endorse my daughter's theory that the daughter of a rich family is beautiful.