
2022-03-23 I think the vision of "a nation that supports social infrastructure with EVs and distributed storage batteries + natural energy" will probably surprise the world. [長年日記]

It was a long time ago, but I wrote a column, whose title was

'Is There Enough Electricity in Japan? --Let's try to verify it by converting it into "the number of maids"'

about major power outage -- "blackout".

In my estimation, the blackout in Japan will occur in "mid-summer".

I never expected that the danger would come in the form of an earthquake → power plant shutdown → cold wave → midwinter blackout.

The "Power Tight Alert".


By the way, there is something I can't say out loud.

One of the quickest ways to promote electric vehicles (EVs), renewables, and large-scale energy storage systems is to have frequent power outages.

By analogy, an EV is a moving storage battery, so a single-family home may be able to guarantee electricity for a few hours.

In reality, it is not that simple, as a DC to AC conversion device is required, which is expensive and requires installation work.

In countries where power outages were common (such as India in the past), each household was equipped with a battery, which was utilized during power outages.

However, as noted in the above column, electricity is the "blood of the social system," and a society without a stable supply of it will have an insecure infrastructure -- this is a matter of human life.


It may seem that the only way to achieve carbon neutrality is to 'restart nuclear power plants.

However, as you know, our country has had a lot of bad experiences with nuclear accidents.

In addition, it is said that another 200 years will be needed to complete the decommissioning of nuclear power plants.

In general, our country and nuclear energy, be it nuclear power or atomic bombs, are thoroughly incompatible.


As an ambitious idea, I will propose

"Planned blackout"

I think the vision of "a nation that supports social infrastructure with EVs and distributed storage batteries + natural energy" will probably surprise the world.


By the way, when I was about 20 years old, most of the people who were doing research on "solar power" were called 'idiots' who were wasting their research money on unrealistic research.

This was true -- anyway, this is the story of my laboratory in college.