In this column, I am writing a column exposing my ignorance and inexperience.
I once wrote about a time when I was scammed.
"Even though I have been very careful to say, "I am writing to expose my (Ebata's) ignorance, incompetence, and inability," there are still a certain number of people who "sprinkle salt on the wound"
I am deeply aware of this.
Well, 'beating the dog that fell in the pond' is 'quite fun' for everyone (even me).
After all, the dog (me) is currently drowning in the pond, so I can't fight back.
In addition, I am also aware that, in my case, 'I have reasons to be beaten'.
I believe that a society that guarantees the ability to make these critical comments is a good one -- even if it is "beating the dog that fell into the pond".
Just remember, I forget about the "person I "have beaten" in a few minutes. however,
I will not -- or rather, cannot -- forget the person who "beat" me, even if it takes me 10 years to do so.
I'll continue to retain vivid memories, and I think I'll remember it for the rest of my life.
I have received the title of "Permanent Institution of Love" from my seniors at the laboratory.
Rather, I think "Fast Breeder Reactor of Hatred" would be more appropriate for me.