Now I use Docker everyday, however, it is "beyond our mind". That is correct.
In my case, I think I finally figure out to understand Docker with rewriting "Dockerfile" or "docker-compose.yml" at 100 times and, failing "docker-compose up -d" at 100 times.
I understand your "Wanna to feel the understanding just by reading a book" well, however it is impossible.
I think that it is difficult to reach the understanding about almost technologies, except for using "Hello World Approach", and as for Docker, I can say "absolutely not"
What can I say, that feeling of another dimension.
PCs are build up in PC, and the PC can move and execute on another PC or AWS(Cloud) --- weirdness
Starting to build a container, unknow packages are gathers and installed automatically ---- sense of extraordinary
As I say, the feeling is "Several raspberry PIs whose purposes are different, are screwed into a PC forcedly.
This screwed tech. paradigm makes me light vomiting.
No matter that they are, I hate any book whose title is "Easy XXXX"
Especially the book whose title includes "Easy Docker" will be allowed to be "book-burning".