I restarted the operation which were stopped on last Saturday, to avoid the risk of my slipped back.
Before that, I wanted to know the aaccurate weight of the TV, so I pushed the scale under the TV.
I realized that this operation is beyond my imagination for me, as an amature.
However, it was me to install this TV more that a decade ago.
In addition,at that time, I bought it from a net site, so there should not have any assistant.
I don't remember how I could have install this TV by myself.
If you know of any (occult-like) stories about 'TVs gaining weight over the months', please let us know.
That asaide.
The problem is how to make the TV climb up a tremendously high mountain in front of me.
My idea was very primitive. 'Lifting the TV while packing up the concrete blocks'.
However, this method requires a total of 28 concrete blocks. the prices were no problem (about 100 yen per unit), but another problem was more about how to use about 28 concrete pieces.
I looked inside the warehouse and noticed that there were two stepladders. Using these, I can lift the TV up to half height of the chests.
To support the TV in a high position, the two ends were tied together with rope and raised on a stepladder, hooking one end to the other.
I asked my wife to move the stepladder at the same time I raised one edge of the TV.
Then, after coming to the top of the stepladder, I asked my wife to insert the concrete block and continued the same way.
After stacking seven concrete blocks, I found that a few more centimetres were missing.
However, I ran out of the concrete blocks I had prepared.
I stood on the unstable stepladder, lifted the remaining few centimetres, hooked the TV stand to the edge of the chest, and the rest was pushed in by us with great effort.
We thus succeeded in lifting a TV weighing over 75 kg onto a 140 cm.
However, this was quite dangerous.
There was a possibility that the pile of blocks could collapse, and the stepladder could overstrength and self-destruct.
It is absolutely sure nobody give me sympathy even if I am seriously injured.
However, for me, the attitude of 'ask the contractor for everything' is something of a 'lose-lose' situation.
Well, this is my nature.
Today's diary meminded me that the column I wrote before.
After all, I don't seem to have progressed at all since my youth.