Which country declared war on a country that relies on them for 90% of its energy (oil)?
The answer is "Japan".
In 1941, Japan launched a war against the United States.
The ratio of national power at that time was 50 (U.S.):1 (Japan).
What I'm trying to say is,
'War, however irrational it may be, begins when it begins.'
and, in many cases
A war cannot be stopped until one side or the other is in a state of what might be called devastation."
This was a historical fact.
For more on this, please read "Japan's Decision to Start War with Four "Ifs" and One "Might"" here.
I don't know about other cases, but it seems that when it comes to wars between nations, a lesson of history is that 'lessons of history are useless'.
There are many things I do not understand about the relationship between Russia and Japan regarding this Russian invasion of Ukraine.
I am not familiar with the energy issues between Russia and our country.
For example, the projects called "Sakhalin 1" and "Sakhalin 2."
Japan, in its role as the standard-bearer of the Western liberal camp in Asia, is imposing an unprecedented level of economic sanctions against Russia.
So, it would make sense for Russia to "completely stop energy exports to Japan" in retaliation (if they completely disregard contracts, illegal acts under international law, international conventions, etc.).
Even the U.S. oil export ban on Japan in 1941 was a complete breach of contract on the private level. However, there is no way that a private energy company can compete with the power of the state.
To begin with, I am not even sure what is going on right now with the withdrawal of WIPO's MFN status to Russia.
I am looking forward to receiving an e-mail from anyone who can provide a simple explanation of this situation to Ebata.
If the stories I receive catch Ebata's heart, I would like to immediately adopt them in our column.
Of course, we will keep the source of the story confidential.