
2024-04-11 (I didn't get the original information), there seems to be a hypothesis that 'people who were student body president, tennis club president, or on the yang side when they were students, don't get ahead in the future. [長年日記]

Cheerful, multi-syllabic, well versed in trending topics, able to talk about the issues of the moment, and friendly with everyone -- "Extrovert" character.

If you look at the world, you will see a lot of content that says only "Extroverts" live happily.

When I was a teenager, I think I worked very hard to create an "Extrovert persona" with the sole intention of not being called "dark-rooted."

However, "Extrovert" can only be helpful until one enters the workforce.

Of course, "Extrovert" is often an advantage in later life (love, marriage, friends, etc.).

However, society is not so lenient that one can get through it with only an "Extrovert.

In society, no matter how "Extrovert" you are, people who fail to produce output (results) are harsh and cold.

Lately, I have sometimes wondered if I would benefit more from being "less Extrovert."


I have been a businessman for a long time, and I fear the "competent" and "silent and unsympathetic boss."

I am terrified of a boss who doesn't get back in the groove and shuts down in the middle of a conversation, even when I do my best to incorporate a variety of topics and explain them in my rhythm.

I fear they can see everything I am trying to deceive myself into not saying.

And, by and large, many such bosses 'see through it.

Bosses who don't get into the "Extrovert groove" will talk about "their ideas" at their own pace, not "in the groove."

Such a boss does not "read the air".

Hence, they are 'strongest' and often 'right'.

For a "perfection denier" and "corner-cutting supremacist" like myself, these people are horrifying.


I think many of the presidents of large companies in our country are like this.

(I didn't get the original information), there seems to be a hypothesis that 'people who were student body president, tennis club president, or on the yang side when they were students, don't get ahead in the future.

From what I have seen in my long career as a businessman, I can "adopt" this hypothesis.

The period you can get through with only "Extrovert " is only a tiny part of your life.

In society, only output (results) is essential.


The silent communicator who keeps trying will be the strongest." - I think this mechanism is built into many organizations in our country (I don't know about other countries), regardless of their merits or demerits.

Of course, being "Extrovert " is not a bad thing.

However, I don't think it makes much sense to "work hard to create an 'Extrovert persona.'"

I know that it is useless to say this to teenagers.

In the teenager's world line, it is true that "lovers" and "friends (number)" are the "currency,"