My family IT investigation cost is very low.
Though a head of family who works for IT field, the Ebata's understanding for IT field keeps low.
Why did it do so?
Nobody uses PC except for me.
For example, my wife uses PC for a transmission transportation service application and Google MAP. When the first daughter wants to install new music to her POD. When the second daughter want to see KONAN with youtube.
So it is naturally that it must be impossible to ask tens of thousands Yen to my wife.
There are two computer places in our house. One is in the dining room, and the other is in my study room.
I think that keeping two places simultaneously is meaningless. Finally I decided to remove the PCs in my room, and integrate these more than two PCs.
In our case, the dining room has several functions, those are not only have lunch and dinner but also study room for the children. From now on, a new function that is my work place will be added.
When I write a column, the first daughter is listening to the radio of NHK English education program, the wife is watching a soup opera with headphone, and the second daughter is doing prep-school's homework.
To be honest, it is chaos.
Why should we try to do something under the odd circumstance, though we have our own rooms ?
アットホームの雰囲気の家族だから ---- というのは、不正解で、家族全員がが、「誰かの監視下にないと、遊んでしまう」という、惰弱な精神力の持ち主だからです。
We like to spend time together ---- it is inaccuracy. The correct answer is that we all don't have good spirits to achieve something by ourselves.
I am annoying that How the PC level tune. Nobody uses the PC with my level, I can't work effectively with my family's level.
It is not allowed to make each accounts of my family members on the PC.
We all want to use the PC anytime. When I am working with the PC, the daughters and wife interrupt me because of thier wish to use GoogleMAP, Hatune Mike, and KONAN. The PC should be needed to be used by four people simultaneously.
When you come to think of it, I think that "account" is a typical modern and western concept.
Everyone can read my wife's gmail without restrictions. Yesterday, my daughters and I confirmed that my wife hadn't done something of sexually unfaithful.
This is irony of my situation that four persons share one PC (according to security issue, it must be mad) and the IT researcher and engineer manages the PC.
A main discussion starts from here.
I always use "SKKIME" that is a kind of IME(Input Method Editor). It is absolutely unusual IME in Japan.
Though I love this IME to realize the ultra-fast document maker, it is bother for me to coexistence between normal IME and SKKIME,
私はSKKIMEしか使わない→Windowsシャットダウン時に切り替えを忘れる→家族からのクレーム電話が、職場にバシバシかかってくる というのが、もう今の段階で予想されます。
Easy to estimate the followings.
I don't use any IME execept for SKKIME → I forget the change the IME before shutdown → My wife and daughter call me to complain my miatake even if I am in work place.
I will enforce my family to use SKKIME as the Ebata's de-fact standard.
This unusual IME work well as the fast document maker. The practice will be needed but the merit might be big.
The only problem is that the family can not use other PC naturally.
Which is the better, to give up my work environment or to give up my daughter's futuer IT literacy ?
Needless to say that,
I will complete to make my daughter better SKKIME familiar spirit of junior or junior high school student.