
2022-07-01 ならば、トイレの室温が体温以上であったとすれば ―― 当然、センサは赤外線を検知できません。 [長年日記]


We use a motion sensor light in our restroom to prevent forgetting to turn of the light.


However, the light has not worked well theses day..

After thinking it a little, I noticed the reason.


The motion sensor light detect a changes in infrared radiation with moving human body, and turn on the light.

ならば、トイレの室温が体温以上であったとすれば ―― 当然、センサは赤外線を検知できません。

Then the tempterture of the restroom is higher than those of human-body, the sensor cannot detect any infrared radiation.


Therefore wherever and whenever the temperature is higher than 36 degrees Celsius, the effect of security lighting with infrared radiation sensors is missing perfectly.


夜間に36度を越える熱帯夜 ―― 考えるだけで悪夢です。

Tropical nights with temperatures exceeding 36 degrees Celsius at night -- just thinking about it is a nightmare.


However we must remember that nobody could predict a series of extremely hot days (more than 40 degrees Celsius) a few years ago.

2022-07-02 「コーディングの悪夢で不眠症にならないような人の語る人工知能(技術)」 [長年日記]

"Why is the bus running on the bridge of railway!?" This phenomenon is annoying me this weekend.


Last night, I woke up for the debugging in my dream four times, and I was exhausted.


Just now, I noticed that I didn't modify the cost parameter of the Dijkstra function.


Finally I confirmed that I could prevent the bus from running out of control.


Well, today, I am going to complete to implement "transferring at the station".



Recently, I come to know that my insomnia is strongly related to heavy coding(debugging).


On the other hand, it seems to have nothing to do with writing columns.


What appears in my dream during my insomnia are "programming code" and "lists of database" in many cases.



In short,


"the opinions that a person says about Artificial Intelligence without insomnia by coding"


is absolutely not believed.

2022-07-03 (8) 『信仰でコロナ感染を防ぐ』とか唄っていたアホな教祖の党の候補者は、論外 [長年日記]


I think I might choose a ruling party for the election for the House of Councilors, however, at this election, "the constitutional change" might be a big issue.


I am aware that I am a funny voter who hope both (1) the nation voting for Constitution to be realized and (2) the amendment to be rejected at the same time.


I believe that the Constitution should be changed more freely, and that it would be good to have an environment where pro and con sides can engage in heated debate.



Today, I received the election PR.


In the previous election, I felt pain that I went to the city hall to get it, and the next day, it were delivered at the next day. So this time, I just waited it.


In the PR, there is no candidate who uses numbers or charts, so they could not get Ebata's seed slot.

(1) 平文だけで選挙広報書いている人 ―― プレゼン能力"0"と判断して除外

(1) The person who use characters only, is no presentation ability.

(2) NHKのスクランブル放送から、NHK存続を前提とした高齢者の支払い免除へと、姑息な主旨変更をしている党も除外

(2) The party which changed their policy from scrambling broadcasts to exempting the elderly from paying.

(3) 父系天皇は、医学的根拠(私から見れば、興味のない根拠ではありますが)から論じている人がいないので、これも除外

(3) No person who argues the reasons for patrilineal emperors on medical grounds (In my opinion, I don't care of it at all).

(4) スパコンについて「世界で2番目ではダメですか」と言った人は、私からの票は絶対に得られない ―― 私は忘れない

(4) The person who said "What is a problem, even if the super-computer performance is the second in the world?" I never forgive her.

(5) 量子コンピュータやmRANについて論じている人は、私よりも理解ができていない(か、表現がなっていない)ので除外

(5) The persons who argue about quantum computers and mRAN is less understandable that me.

(6)最低賃金はバイトにも適用されるので(ちゃんと調べた)、 最低賃金を1500円まで上昇させれば小売商店や個人経営の飲食店はバタバタと潰れていくと思う

(6)Since the minimum wage apply for the albite, small retailers and restaurant will be bankrupt easily if the wage is risen at 1500 yen.


If they hope the wide restriction of Japan to lead to bankrupt, I can consider it (However I think the small retailers should be continued)

(6) 「消費税廃止」は試してみる価値があると思う。だが、具体的な数値を使った机上シミュレーション or コンピュータシミュレーションの結果(コードも合わせて)も公開していないのは、何故だ?

(6) I think that "the consumption tax should be abort" is a good policy. On the other hand, I don't know the reason why they don't open their simulations result on desk or on computer to us.


I am afraid that it is too danger to start the social and field experiments without any simulation.


(If they have the results of the simulation, please let me know. I'll write a whole column on it).

(7) 芸術は守る価値はあると思うが、老後の心配(年金や国防)に比べれば、私には瑣末に過ぎる

(7) I think the arts are worth protecting, but they are too trivial for me compared to the concerns of old age (pensions and national defense).

(8) The person of the party which the idiot guru who sang about "preventing corona infection through faith" are out of the question.


(To be continued)

2022-07-04 ―― とまあ、候補者の考え方や戦略を読み取る上で、選挙公報は、それなりに、楽しい読み物です。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


This time, what attract me is the party whose name is "Get the U.S. bases in Okinawa Pref. to Tokyo".


This is good policy, if we can ignore the geographic problem.


Adding "Get nuclear power plants in Japan to Tokyo", it will be almost full score.



In this election, "the new coronavirus disaster" seems to be out of scope. (I tried use a search engine just to be sure)


I am not sure why no one who has a policy of "anti-vaccine" candidate.


Even if they think the disaster become peak out, they can say about "compensation to harmful side effects of vaccines". So I wonder that they have not done any activity.


I think that they decided that it was not a contentious issue because of the effectiveness of "with corona" methods.


I estimate that most of the candidate could not blame for the government about the "with corona" method.


According to the defense spending, some candidates show that in the headline.


However, I could not find the phrase "day nursery". Fewer "LGBT" and "same-sex marriage."

―― とまあ、候補者の考え方や戦略を読み取る上で、選挙公報は、それなりに、楽しい読み物です。

Anyway, the election PR is enjoyable in order to estimate the thoughts and strategies of each candidates.



The other say, my daughter said to herself, while watching the news of Russia's invasion to Ukraine

―― 結局、『力』が全てなんだよねぇ・・・

"In the end, it's all about 'power'"



When I was the 20's, I had no thought of it.


At least I had the energy to stand up to the adult who talked it like that.

今の若者は、「力の支配のない平和な世界」の理想(夢想)を持つことすら、許されていないのか、と思うと ―― なんだか可哀想に思えてきました。

The youth in the present cannot allow to have a dream of "a peaceful world without restriction by the power". Coming to think of it, I think they are pitiful.

2022-07-05 「ようこそ偏差値至上主義の教室へ」という学習塾が、いかに健全であるかが良く分かります。 [長年日記]


It seems that the second season of the anime "Welcome to the Meritocracy Classroom" has started.


「ようこそ縁故主義の教室へ」―― 族長が率いる一族のクラス。始終他のクラスと抗争していそう。

"Welcome to the Edenic Classroom" families led by a chief, seems to be in constant conflict with other classes.

「ようこそ血縁主義の教室へ」―― 全員親戚のクラス。気が滅入る。

"Welcome to the kinship classroom", all classes of relatives. Depressing.

「ようこそカルト主義の教室へ」―― 全員が目がすわっている狂信者のクラス。怖い。

"Welcome to the Cultism Classroom" fanatics who all have crazy eyes. Scary.

「ようこそ人格主義の教室へ」―― 全員が人格者のクラス。息苦しそう。

"Welcome to the personalism classroom", everyone is a person of integrity. It's suffocating.


Coming to think of it, we could agree that


"Welcome to the classroom of deviation supremacy", like prep schools are wholesomeness.

2022-07-06 つまり、政党名ではなく、個人名で書くことで、その人が当選確率が高くなるのです。 [長年日記]


I think that "handshake" from the candidate on election campaign might be effective.

Previously I went to interview to a cartoonist

濃厚な時間を過ごさせて頂いた記憶があります ―― たぶん 、「握手」よりも、強い「何か」だったと思います。

I remember that we could spend an intense time, which was stronger than "handshake".


I heard that He is running for the House of Councillors, and I hope him to win the election.


自分の恥を晒すようで、正直恥しいのですが ――

To be honest, I am shamed to open my ignorance, however, this time I know the following.


(1) In proportional district voting, it is common to write the name of the political party, but you can "write the name of the individual".


(2) and 'writing in the individual's name' will push that person to the top of the proportional district list


Because, at the House of Councillors election, they use "non-binding list system", which means "the order of the proportional list is not decided in advance"


In short, writing "individual name" not "party name", increase the person's change of being elected.


Even in proportional district voting, we can vote the person directly.


Though It was very shameful for me, I have not known the method just now.



I know the cartoonist has dealt with copyright problems seriously, and brought me amazing ideas to us for a long time.


Therefore, today I will go to vote on the day before the deadline and write,

(1) the name of the candidates who have not excluded by me for Electoral district elections


(2) the name of cartoonist for proportional district elections


2022-07-07 私たちの既得権益を守り、膨大な負の遺産を次世代に押しつけて、逃げ切りましょう。 [長年日記]

I have already published my policy about election in Japan since the previous election, as follow.


This time too, I ask you the cooperation about my activities.



According to my estimation, if we keep current state of Japan, our country's finance will be just barely maintained until my death.

ここで、若い人たちが、自分達の未来を真剣に考え出すと ―― これから年金生活に入る私が、非常に困るのです。

If the youth come to think their future seriously, I, who am about to start pension life, am in great trouble.


I hope the youth and middle generations are not interested in politics, as much as possible.



In comparison with the above, the elders should go to vote at all cost.


We have to save the candidate and the parties who are moderate, conservative and want to keep the current status, and crash new ambitious challenges.


Keep our vested interests and get away with pushing negative legacy on the next generation.

忘れてはなりません ―― 私たち高齢者は、我が国の最大の票田なのです。

In addition, never forget that we, the elders, are the biggest vote field in Japan.


However, we should never relax our guard with saying "even if we leave us alone, we will win".


Making the younger and working generations as a footstool , we have to ensure that our safe and secure retirement is solid.


The vote day is July 10th, the next Sunday. Don't miss it.


There are some Ebata's columns about election. If you are interested, go ahead.

2022-07-08 『我が国のテロへの抗議の意思を、"投票率"という"数値"で見せてもらおうではないか』 ―― [長年日記]


When I was in a waiting room at a bank for changing my notification seal, I knew ""sniper attack on the former prime minister during his speech".(The case was later confirmed as a "murder").


I felt that I could not control myself because of my furious rage, and I decided not to touch any news, especially SNS until NHK news from seven o'clock.

このような大事件の後は、誤報やデマが飛び回り、そのような情報に振り回されることがあり ――

After such a major tragedy, I was anxious that I am going to be incontrollable by false news and demagogues.


Above all, I was sure that I could not keep a normal state of mind right now (so I didn't know what I will write out).



I live to feel I am so happy that I can write what I am thinking and feeling freely in my daily life.

こういう権利を獲得するまでに、多くの先人が闘ってきてくれたことに、本当に感謝しており ――

I deeply thank many predecessors who have fought to win these rights, and

I deeply despise those who would throw away the act (exercising the right to vote) from my bottom of my heart.



I don't think that election is just a system to elect candidates.


Elections are


- the biggest interview with all Japanese public


- the most important event to measure the persona of named "JAPAN"


- the physical examination of JAPAN


I think so.

今回のテロ事件によって、この計測値は大きく変動するかもしれませんが ―― それでも、その計測結果が、今後の私たちの総意として取り扱われていくことになります。

The measure values might be changed dynamically by this terrorist attack, however, the result of measure is going to be treated as "our will".



I (selfishly) believe that "voting in elections" is (also) "protesting terrorism against freedom of speech".

『我が国のテロへの抗議の意思を、"投票率"という"数値"で見せてもらおうではないか』 ――

Show me our country's willingness to protest terrorism in the "numerical" form of "voter turnout"


Now I am thinking so.

2022-07-09 ■コロナ禍での政府自粛要請の渦中に、宴会やらかしていた政治家一覧(江端が拾ったものだけ) [長年日記]


(Though I have already voted before), tomorrow July 10 is the day to vote for the House of Councillors.


I would like you to remained you of the following incidents, before you go to vote.

- List of politicians who were having banquets during the government's restrict request in the corona disaster (only those picked up by Ebata).

- List of politicians from organizations that used/not used the online system for political fund balance reports

The following is not about politician, but there was also incident in which 23 employees of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare had dinner together at a restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo.



The other day, the British Prime Minister was finally forced to resign during the party in the government restraint.


Both our country's foreign and domestic policy are important for us , but we also have to remained the anger at that time.


I strongly recommend to check the qualifications and behaviors of candidate you will vote beforehand.


We have to teach the candidates who will the election that "if you make us angry we become furious enemies against you".

2022-07-10 私の場合、「暗い」「寒い」「狭い」部屋で、たった一人でホワイトボードと対峙している時に、創造力は最高潮に達します。 [長年日記]

"BS World Documentary "The Impossible Project: The Man Who Revived Instant Film"


I watched the program.

「楽しかった」―― というか「嬉しかった」。

I enjoyed it, rather I feel happy.



I am self-conscious that I have spent half my life on the cutting edge of digital tech.


(It is a bit of exaggeration, but in general, I don't think it's wrong)


Therefore, I know that we should not say that "digital is superiors to analog at any case"


That's aside.


Recently many companies are trying t make "co-creation space" to "enhance creativity".


I could not find the reports that show the effectiveness of "creativity" from objective viewpoint using numbers, however, some people seem to like to work in these fashionable space.

一方、私といえば ―― 「ビビッドな色彩の壁」「奇妙な形の(不安定な)椅子」「多くの仲間」「コーヒーの香り」の中で、特許ネタを捻り出せたことがありません ―― というか、

On the other hand, speaking of me, I have never been able to think of a patent story among the "vividly colored walls," "oddly shaped (unstable) chairs," "many friends," and "the smell of coffee.


Rather, they are always "obstacles" for my patent work.

In my case, my creativities go to the peak when I am alone in the "dark", "cold", "small" room, facing a whiteboard.


I don't think that there are many people who have applied more than 100 patent applications( including "divided" or "priority by Paris treaty") to the patent office, like me.


Therefore, the effectiveness of the "Co-Creation Space" may vary greatly from person to person, or I may be an exceptionally "weird guy".


Well, if a company insist that "dark, cold, small, sepia-colored laboratory" is a "co-creation space", the company's image will be in ruin. So I think that I have to understand the background of the company.


Recently, I have opened about a DIY whiteboard.


The most useful item in my research engineer's life, has been "whiteboard"


It is not PC, smartphone, printer, and scanner. Moreover, even my competent colleagues cannot exceed "whiteboard"


"Whiteboard" is a common tool to share knowledges in brain storming, however in my case, it is a tool to "fight me".


In short, some of analog are the strongest tools for me still now.

2022-07-11 ―― 何も言わずに、とっとと自分の部屋に戻れ [長年日記]


When I went down to the living room to get a drink, my wife and daughter watch the TV drama.


"I will make a place where all children can study equally by IT"


In the drama, an actress, who seemed to play a main character, was speaking such a line.


When I am about to say my comment with scornful smile,

―― 何も言わずに、とっとと自分の部屋に戻れ

"Say nothing and go back to your room soon"


I felt the pressure like that form them, so I went back to my room with a cup.

2022-07-12 当時、『統一教会』は、左翼の過激派よりも恐しい「洗脳カルト団体」として認定されていたのです。 [長年日記]

あの、元首相殺害事件以降、「統一教会」 ―― 今は『世界平和統一家庭連合』と改称しているようですが ―― が話題に出ています。

Since the murder of the former prime minister, the "Unification Church", which now seems to have changed the name to "Family Federation for World Peace and Unification", has been in the news.


Checking the church by the Google map, I found the three churches --- I looked pale. After rechecking, I found that there was one church around my house.


However, I could not feel a relief.



When I started my college life, I was thoroughly told by the university authorities, circle activities and teachers was,


"If you are approached by a strange solicitor, don't say a word, just run away"


You can find many information using a search engine, so I don't have to explain about it. In my case, my friend was about to victims against the cult religions.


When my two daughters started their college life, I was on the highest lever of alert.


I told them again and again "if you are solicited or are about to be taken to somewhere, call me immediately at any cost"


At that time, "Unification Church" is recognized as "brainwashing cult organization" that was more scared than Left-wing extremists

(Incidentally, I was the head of a self-governing dormitory, so the Unification Church might say "You don't say that", But I was a lazy head who had never tried the organizing, moreover I hated people in the dormitory.)



Even if my daughters were taken in by a right/left-wing organization, I had a plan to go a hideout, argue and recapture them by force.


I had an estimation that I got to confirm my win (on the spot) as a crime case, if I received violence.



However, frustratingly there is no winning strategy against cult groups basically.


This is because brainwashed people cannot be unbrainwashed by logic.


On the contrary, I am confident that even I would be easily brainwashed if I were kidnapped by the cult.


Above all, I know well that the robustness of my brain is extremely low.

This is clear that the fact that I could not make normal decisions during my diet.

ともあれ『一度、拉致されたら、終わり』 ―― これが「統一教会」に対する、当時の認識でした。

"Once kidnapped, that's the end". This was my understanding of the Unification Church at the time.

Incidentally, the content is well depicted in the anime "Golden Time" episode 3, "Night Escape" (jump to YouTube, which is also available on Amazon Prime).


(To be continued)

2022-07-13 『ええ、毎日、目が眩むほど幸せです。あなたは違うのですか?』と、気の毒そうな顔をして相手を見てやれば、大体、呆然として立ちすくんでいました。 [長年日記]


About the "Unification Church" of yesterday's diary, they were called "Genri" or "Genri-Ken" in the college campus. (Now they seem to call them "CARP")


There seems to be several arguments about the relationship between them, however, I think that they are both "cult".


I have not felt the necessary to change my recognition at all (though I have forgotten them for a long time).


Kyoto has been a sort of college town, so there were a lot of swarming "Genri" around the town.


They talked to me in an over-familiar manner, and the start of talking was always


"Are you happy now?"



On the other hand, I didn't think that "I am an normal student". So it was easy to handle these guys.


"Angry shouts" in the public streets, was a piece of cake for a student who was living in a self-governed dormitory.

―― で、実際に、往来で怒鳴り返してくることのできる学生(私)に、驚いていたようですが。

They seemed to be surprised at a student who could counter-attack with angry shouts in public space.



After those days, I felt to be annoyed by them. So I changed the strategy.


"Are you happy now?"


"Of course, Yes, I am dazzlingly happy every day. Are you not?"


with looking at them with a concerned expression. Mostly they stood there stunned.


As far as I remember, the win rate was 100%.


ふと、今思い出したのですが ――

Suddenly, I remember now--


I once started to eliminate a cult group that had entered my boarding house by putting up dozens of flyers "Outsiders, get out!


In addition, I was loud shouting match with a guy who came to my room for nearly one hour around 2:00 AM, to make the group members keep hearing the rage contents.


I did not relent in my attack until I had removed everyone from the boarding house.


Looking back, I think they were "Ome" not "Genri" (they were dressed like that).



I think that the successes of this time, became a method of mine, like

―― 何かの問題が発生した場合は、「鎮火」ではなく「炎上」に持ち込む

"If something goes wrong, make it to 'flame-out' instead of 'extinguish'"




As for college cult circles,

the Episode 5 of "Shijohan Shinwa Taikei" is also a good reference (jump to YouTube).

2022-07-14 『"昔の武勇伝"ハラスメント』を語る上司を、おだてて選挙に出馬させましょう。 [長年日記]


After national election, I always check the voting count of each candidate in my election area.


Now I am checking about Tokyo election area.

This time, the lowest ranked candidate seemed to get 1913 votes.


If I were running for office, the vote could would probably not even reach double digits. So I think they can boast about their results.



However, the deposit of three million yen for the Upper House(e.g. Tokyo area) has naturally be confiscated.


The refund condition is to get vote numbers more than the total number of valid votes, divided by the number of seats available, and divided by 8.


In this case, the valid votes was 6,477,702, so dividing by 6, and by 8, the number of votes cast was 134,952.


This time, in the Tokyo electoral district, there are 24 people who will forfeit 3 million yen (68% of the candidates).


I heard that the cost for one candidate is almost 400,000,000 yen in the Upper House election, so It is clear that the forfeiture of this deposit is not to recover expenses, but to "prevent abuse of candidacy (suffrage).


300,000 yen would not prevent abuse, and with 30 million yen, the candidates would be only the wealthy.


This 3 million yen is a very sensitive price.



You might think that "why do they throw their money into the trash?", however, let think it again This is very cost-performance choice.


They can be on TV(broadcasting of political views) and get a space of election gazette(that might be more than a few million yen, on news paper).


They can speak what they want to say on the TV, and write what they want to write on the gazette.


If they were not to use this election system, they might not realize that on their life.


I don't know how much a business person spend money for drinking party for their life, however, if they can get a chance to broadcast their policies to people in district, the 3 million yen might be extremely cheap.

It is a win-win choice for both a boss and subordinates rather than telling "old brave story" harassments at drinking party and be hated by them.



Let me think it again.


Why not make your boss run for office, with tales of "old brave story" harassment ?


Your boss can "old brave story" to the masses, compared to a drinking party.

部下は、選挙に惨敗した上司を、嘲笑うことができて ―― Win-Winです。

The subordinates can sneer at their bosses for losing the election so miserably, It is a win-win.


There is no problem legal problem, if your boss is not a government employee.



However, you might have a risk to be forced to volunteer for election. In the case, the "win-win" will be destroyed easily.

2022-07-15 ―― 自分の命を対価に、自分の思いを遂げ、そして、力付くで知らしめる [長年日記]


Riot is defined that "a trail to make to realize a purpose by an activity with a group members who have same reasons". However I think "a riot to save their life" must be distinguished with other riots.


"A riot by farmers" is a typical "riot to save their life", and the mechanism could be explained by using simple "game theory".

(Case A)来年分の作物の種まで、税収として徴収される → 来年の作物"0"が確定 → 餓死が確定

(Case A)Even next year's crop seeds are collected as tax revenue -> No crops next year is confirmed -> Starved to death is confirmed.

(Case B)一揆による暴動によって逮捕 -> 死刑が確定

(Case B) Arrested by the riot → Death penalty is confirmed.


In the above cases, in order to avoid the confirmed death, making a power(rule maker like protectors and groundkeepers) collapse is the only answer. In the above cases, in order to avoid the confirmed death, making rule maker collapse


According to game theory, this action is correct, as a zero-sum game.



However, in addition to t


- the murder of a former prime minister,


- Kyoto Animation Arson Murder Case


- Osaka Kitashinchi Clinic arson case.


In my vicinity,


- Attempted murder in Odakyu and Keio trains


These are not even the Zero-Sum game.


Therefore, most of us think that their actions or behaviors was ridiculous, and in fact, they are ridiculous objectively.

However, like the yesterday's diary, their criminal behaviors seem to be similar the motivation of election candidates who want to force to hear their opinions by paying 3 million yen.


―― 自分の命を対価に、自分の思いを遂げ、そして、力付くで知らしめる

"To accomplish one's desire and to make it known by force, at the price of one's life"


In fact, this is reasonable.


Why I should care about what will be happened after my death.

宗教のように「死後は天国に生まれ変われる」という ―― 人類史上、一度たりとも実証されていない ―― という教えがあれば、もっと簡単でしょう。

It is easier if they are brainwashed like "they can be reborn in heaven after death", which has not been confirmed by all ages and countries.


(To be continued)

2022-07-16 子どもたちが独立して、嫁が私より先に死んでしまった場合、私は、「自分が『公共の敵』になる」という可能性を、排除できません ―― というか「なる」と思う。 [長年日記]


(Continuation from yesterday)


The above incidents seems to share the following two points.


(1)Many people believe that the criminal person doesn't hesitated to happen the crime because of nothing to be lost in society.


(2)Many people believe that the criminal motivation is based on subjective private anger, and cannot be shared their sympathy or empathy objectively.




According to the above (1), it is true that having family makes me hesitate to commit a criminal offense under the criminal law.


(However, I will start to study the ways not to violate criminal laws, or not to be exposed the public)


In the way, marriage is a valid system to restrict instinct anger.


In the same logic, having job is also a crime deterrent system.


Indeed, I now have "a lot" to lose socially.



According to the above (2), I need to recognize a clear malicious intent with a specific target, not enough "the world does not need me" but "he/she persecutes me".


Of course, it does not matter whether it is an objective fact or a subjective assumption.


Because there is no "objective world".


The world is "the 'objective world' and the subjective world we believe in.


子どもたちが独立して、嫁が私より先に死んでしまった場合、私は、「自分が『公共の敵』になる」という可能性を、排除できません ―― というか「なる」と思う。

If my children become independent and my wife dies before me, I cannot rule out the possibility that I will be -- or rather, "become" -- a "public enemy".


I am aware that I have a system that amplify "objective anger" in my body.

The system has already been activated since I was young.


After all, when I watched the movie "Star Wars" in my teenager, I though that "No wonder that the Dark side is superior to the Force" was natural.



Society must not leave Ebata alone, who is likely to become a "public enemy.


Society should monitor, manage and coax Ebata and leads him to natural death.


Social security spending should be thought of as "domestic defense spending (= public safety spending)" to prevent such potential "public enemies" from being activated.

2022-07-17 ―― 江端は、ウクライナ支援のサイバー戦には参戦しておりません [長年日記]


I make it clear that

―― 江端は、ウクライナ支援のサイバー戦には参戦しておりません

"Ebata has not joined the cyber war for supporting Ukraine"


Recently I sometimes have felt an atmosphere that "Ebata would do it". ( I think that it is by my alarmism).


However, I have already researched how to join it.


I think that I could inform you the approach soon.

2022-07-18 『その前に、先ずは、"テルアビブ"、"パレスチナ"、"日本赤軍"あたりで、ググってみるといいんじゃないかな』 [長年日記]

I purchased the manga "Medusa" by Kaiji Kawaguchi, and unexpectedly, my senior daughter seemed to be "locked" on it.


She said, " I want to be like Yoko Sakaki(the main character)"



I said to her, that

"First of all, I recommend you to google by "Tel Aviv," "Palestine," and "Japan Red Army"



She took down the words on the spot.

2022-07-19 江端:「今、私は、10代を含めて、人生で一番マッスルだと思う」 [長年日記]

I had set a goal of "one pull-up" by the end of the year, and now I am doing "20 pull-ups" two sets a day.


This was the case that I end up hanging out on the bars in my room, whenever I tired to work.

―― リモートオフィス恐るべし

"Remote work, that is amazing"



Ebata: "Right now, I think I have the most muscle in my life, including my teenage years"


Wife: "I'm not so sure about that"

2022-07-20 それでも『いまだにマスクをしているバカ』と言い続けることができるのか、あるいは自分の発言を忘れたフリして日和(ひよ)るか ―― [長年日記]


About a week ago, I saw a magazine, which is written a line "idiots wearing masks stills even now" at the cover in a convenience store.


I thought "they are brave and reckless"

私なら、そんなこと怖くて書けません ―― 何が起こるのかが分からないのが、新型コロナウイルスだからです。

I am too coward to write like that. Because in the case of the new corona vaccine, I cannot predict what is happen on the next day.


I regretted that I should have purchased the magazine.


About a week ago, some newspapers also ask readers to get the mask off.



Well, today, our country has experienced the largest number of infections in its history, 152,425.

それでも『いまだにマスクをしているバカ』と言い続けることができるのか、あるいは自分の発言を忘れたフリして日和(ひよ)るか ――

Can you keep saying "idiots wearing masks even now" ? now, or do you pretend to have forgotten what you said and just go back to your daily routine ?


I am watching you.

2022-07-21 『サイバー攻撃の真の恐しさを理解していない人が、まだこんなにもいる』ということに、震撼しました。 [長年日記]

本日の午前、Microsoft Teamsからリモート会議に入ろうとしたら、まったく入れなくなり青冷めていました。

Today's morning, when I tried to login a remote conference, I was rejected from my PC terminal and looked pale.


After all, it was only me that could not join the morning meeting.


I felt the greatest fear.


I tried to login from four terminal, in vain.


I could not use all Teams functions including chat, I felt that I was rejected from all of the world.


After confirming that other persons could login the meeting, my panic was bigger.


That is an enough reason I thought that "only my profile has been destroyed"


まさか、全世界規模での Teamsの障害が発生しているなんて思いつきもしませんでした。

I had no idea that there was a world-wide breakdown of the Teams.


On the company bulletin board, I notice that "Now under the system failures, but don't rush to change your environment", however, it was too late.


I had already uninstall the Teams from my PC (and I had to spend harsh time to recover it)


This became a headline of the NHK News at noon.



Of course, I suspected a cyber-attack.


I heard that the number of the user is almost three billion, so it would have been tremendous damage if it had been a cyber-attack.


According to SNS, In fact, this accident came to a mess, for example cancellations of remote-meeting in the world.


However, after all, most of the Teams functions were recovered by the 1 P.M. and the suspicions (cyber-attacks) were dismissed.



Now I google about this accident, I was surprised to know that some person said "don't fix it".


This means that some persons think that "we don't have to be so serious about IT system failure"


Beause nobody says some lines about power outages, water outages, and other energy disruptions.


As a IT system engineer, I know that any IT system could not be recovered from malice attacks.



I was astonished to learn that there are still so many people who do not understand the true horror of cyber attacks.

2022-07-22 今年、第7波を理由に、ダンナの実家への帰省が取り止めになって、「ガッツボーズ」をしているヨメさんは、どのくらいいるのだろう ―― [長年日記]


I heard that the summer festival(Bon Odori festival) in my town has been decided to be cancelled for three years in row for the reason of the new corona disaster (the seventh wave).


This year, I has been assigned to the group leader, but I had been removed from the staff from the beginning (I don't know the reason). So,


"Guts Pose"


was not needed to begin with.


今年、第7波を理由に、ダンナの実家への帰省が取り止めになって、「ガッツボーズ」をしているヨメさんは、どのくらいいるのだろう ――

"I wonder how many wife are "guts pose" because of cancelation of returning trip to husband parents home because of the 7th Wave"


I think vaguely about it.

2022-07-23 「上を向いてアルコール」には、その『否認のロジック』が山のように掲載されています。 [長年日記]


I read the book "Let's look up and drink" by Odajima Takashi-san, who recently passed away.


More than three years has passed since I quit drinking. One of the reason was, reading a column of Odajima Takashi-san about quitting drinking.

Reading this book, I realized that I had been on the edge.



Insomnia and alcoholism are like breathtaking partners.


Now I am suffering from Insomnia, however I am getting by with just a dose of stabilizers and autonomic training methods.


I sometimes think that I wan to go to sleep easier by drinking. On the other hand, recently, I don't come to feel pain, walking through the liquor racks at the convenience store.


Pain to quit smoking had continued just for a month.


In my case, the reason the pain to quit drinking was longer, might be the longer period I had been drinking.



The reason why I can keep quitting it is , that I am less tired from working and writing my columns.


However, more decisive was the fact that I could now "take a nap when I was tried", even without alcohol.


This greatly lowered my fear of insomnia.



Alcoholism is said to be a "disease of denial".


Because the patients never accept that they are alcoholism.


In the book "Let's look up and drink", there are a pile of "denial logics".


Even if you drink only once every three days, they can become alcoholism.



It is said, "If you don't enjoy alcohol, you lose half of life," and I believe that to be true.


So, if you don't have something to fill it, it would be difficult to break free from alcoholism.


It seems to be trivial matter for you, however, for me, getting my body of "take a nap when I was tired" was enough to fill it.

2022-07-24 ―― 市販の自動車の駆動系を改造して、一般道で200km~300kmの速度で暴走する行為って、違法だよね [長年日記]


I happened to watch the anime called "Wangan Midnight" by YouTube.


The story is that some people try to race in Metropolitan Expressway in a tuned automobile.


I am not mechanical engineer but electricity engineer, however, I was interested in the contents.


The characters were also polite, genteel, and likable.


On the other hand, I noticed that

―― 市販の自動車の駆動系を改造して、一般道で200km~300kmの速度で暴走する行為って、違法だよね

It is illegal to modify the engine of a commercial automobile, and run out of control at speed 200 to 300 km/h on public roads, isn't it?



In addition, if you causes an accident with these runs, it is absolutely "dangerous driving manslaughter" charge.


I had forgotten it, accidentally.



I am not condemning the work.


If I were to say that, "yakuza movie," and most manga that deal with violence and most anime that shoot guns would be no good either.


What I want to say,

―― 「エンジニア」の要素が出てくるコンテンツをに対して、私は、そういう暗黙の前提を忘れてしまいがちだ、

"I tend to forget those unspoken assumptions whenever I watch contents with "engineering" elements."



I tell myself, "Be careful about it"

2022-07-25 ―― N-BOXには「改造したい」という気持ちが湧いてこない [長年日記]


I like a small and fuel-efficient automobile.


I also like drive on highway at ease at about 80 km/h


When I had been riding a motor bike, I liked its fuel-efficient and no worry about parking.

スピード違反なんて、怖くてできませんでした ―― 完全に自殺直行コースです。

I was too scared to break the speed limit, because it was a direct suicide course directly.

自殺ですむならいいですが ―― 器物破損は勿論、他人を殺すことだってあります。

Suicide is better than killing other people not to mention damaging to property.


I think that the riders who break the speed limit, cannot calculate that "the speed of 100 km/h is equal to 28 m/s"

―― 25メートルのプールを1秒弱で走破する高速移動体に、防具も付けないで、しがみついている

"Just clinging to a fast-moving body that can run through a 25-meter pool in less than a second, without any protective gear"


I feel to fear such persons who cannot fear the above reality.



However as a yesterday's diary, as an engineer, I can understand the thought of "Even if it is illegal modification(which the vehicle inspection is never passed), let them try the tuning their own automobile"


On the other hand, I am an electrical engineer, so I could only modify the EUC or CAN.

(*1)Electronic Control Unit, (*2)Controller Area Network


Just to be clear, unlicensed electrical modifications are 100% illegal.



Our car, the Honda N-BOX, is small and fuel efficient.


I like hardly tired against long trip.


I am also satisfied with enough IT equipment about many USB ports and telephone function using Bluetooth.


Above all,

―― N-BOXには「改造したい」という気持ちが湧いてこない

"The N-BOX never encourages me to feel for illegal modification"



Thanks to the N-BOX, I have never been a criminal of illegal modification.

2022-07-26 『近親者のみで、ひっそりと行う国葬』 [長年日記]


Even if a cake is delicious, no one will want to buy it after watching "a fly on the cake for a moment".


Even if a famous professor who left enormous and prominent studies for more then several decades, his carrier was ruin by one night love-affair with his student.


I have seen many resignations of ministers and disqualifications of legislators due to a single word of gibberish.

On the other hand, no matter how many times Japan's national sport, sumo wrestling, is accused of cheating, our good people seem to conveniently forget about it.


Only I have never forgiven them.


The win-loss table of sumo tournament is famous as "an exercise in cheating detections using statics.


It is the case that nobody can protest against this dishonor that our national sport is being used as a teaching tool for cheating detections.



I think that the ruling-part, the prime minister and cabinet, the administration are working and resolving against many difficulties.


I can admit their daily efforts.

ですから、現職の大臣や国会議員が、選挙で「統一教会の組織票」を使っていたことなど、『スイーツに一瞬とまったハエ』程度の、本当に、本当に、本当に、ささいな話 ―― なのかもしれません

Therefore, a existing minister or members of the Diet used the "Unification Church's organizational votes" in an election, may be a really, really and really small matter, like "A fly on the cake for a moment".


However, I know a man who never forgive the fact.


It is me.


I am aware that I have investigated the "Unification Church" and "Genri" to the extent that I can identify them as "Absolute Evil". Especially during the 10 years or so between the ages of 15 and 25.



If it had been "gang", "mafia" or "promoted IT venture", I could have ignored that.


But "Unification Church" is "Absolutely NOT".

この感情は、個人的な事情に起因するものであり、共感して貰う必要はありませんし、批判されてもいい、とさえ思っていますが ――

This anger occurred from personal reasons, and I don't need to be shared with you, or even I can accept criticism, but--


I also have 'things I can never forgive'.



At first, concerning about the state funeral for our former prime minister, who had achieved great results in both foreign and domestic affairs,


"If the ethical and legal issues can be cleared up, I'm not opposed."

という立ち位置だったですが ――

was my standing point.


However, after watching the video-clip of the former prime minister's speech on an organization related to "Unification Church", it came to spoil me.


To my own surprise, my thought spoiled me instantly, cleanly.


Again, this is a matter of my own personal feeling, and I don't need you to sympathize with me in any way.



Anyway, since the current prime minister of Japan declared "national funeral" to all of the world, the event should be done for national dignity.


So, recently, I was thinking of the possibility by myself


A state funeral that is held in secret, with only the immediate family present.

の可能性について、セルフ検討しております ―― 無駄な時間の消費とは分かってはいるのですが。

I know that it wastes my time.

2022-07-27 太宰や芥川でなくてもいいけど、私の大好きな井上靖先生のご著書であれば、私は、今日一日、ご機嫌でいられるんだけどなー [長年日記]


I don't think that the category of "Light-Novel" is needed.


To tell you the truth, I also think that there is no need to distinguish between Pure Literature and Manga Comics.


Any book that makes me happy is a correct answer.


At the same time, I hope that "what I make me happy is also what many people make them happy".



The other day, in the train, I saw a young man devouring a book sitting the seat.


What to say, "soaking up the reading" is good.


I hope that books is like that.


"What kind of book is he reading ?"


It doesn't have to be a book by Dazai or Akutagawa, however, if the book is by my favorite Unoue Yasushi-sensei, I will have been comfortable for the rest of today.


I watched him with thinking like that.


When I changed trains, he also began preparing to get off the train.


That's when I saw the cover of his book.


There I saw a picture of a 'brave man wielding a sword'.


The only thing that seemed to be certain was the book was not that by Dazai, Akutagawa, or Yasushi Inoue.

2022-07-28 この理由を考えてみたのですが、『みんな、育ちがいいんだろうなぁ』と思っています。 [長年日記]


Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

"A New Theory of Action for Engineers Who Are Not Loved by Money(5)"

A "golden combination" found by a novice investor.



The afterword to this column is titled "Ebata teachs you how to repel sale" (composed by Ms.M the editor).


My junior questioned "whty did you bring this topic up?". I honestly cannot explain the reason either.


It is likely "my pen has slipped" by what I usualy tought.



I am wondering why people cannot hand up against sales caller with saying "I am not interested in" immidately.


If you are asked "May I have a moment now", you can say "I am busy to death", and you will most likely not get a second call.


In case of door-to-door sales, you just say "if it is a sale, I reject it" and I turn off the button without waiting for the response.


However, as far as I see, the reseachers around me, seem to be trying to urge that they are not intested in the sales.


I don't understand that why my collegues adapt for sales callers so gentle.


Let me think the reason, I resulted in "everyone is well-mannered".


変な恨みを持たれて、仕返しされるのが怖い、という理由もあるかもしれませんが ――

Maybe it is because they are afraid to get back with nonsense resentment.


If you terminate the conversation unilaterally with a "two-second one-phrase" as I did, the sale person will not need to waste their time.


I think it will be win-win relationship for both paries and will not leave any troublesome resentment.



Especially to the sales person who dares to challenge a house with several such posters around the house,

I am impressed , thinking "Nice Guts"

2022-07-29 『統一教会に票集めを頼んだ』と『指定暴力団XXXXに票集めを頼んだ』の間に、違いはありますか? [長年日記]


Honestly speaking, I voted the ruling-party in the last Upper House election, and I regret it.


Separation of government and religion is a principle of democracy.


Of couse, I deeply understand that a politician is always a "device" the reflects the will of some organization.


As for religious organizations, I believe that we "decide to separate policics from religion", however we ensure "overwhelming preferetial treatment in the tax exemption system", instead of that.


If I misunderstand it, let you teach me correct answers.


I am surprised to know that a current member of the LDP Diet has publicly state that he asked the Unification Church to help himt gather votes.


In addition, the fact that the media can so easily expose the video clips, means that the clips has not been kept secret.


Is there any difference between "I asked the Unification Church to get votes" and "I asked XXXX, a designated gangster, to get votes"?


I don't know that, so please give me the explaination about that.


It is hard to believe that even the prime minister of a country was involved with the Unification Church.



Shame on you.

2022-07-30 江端:「今日、電車で、じいちゃん(私の父、2年前に死去)にあったぞ」 [長年日記]


When I got home, the first thing I did was open my mouth, I said to my wife


Ebata: "I met my grandpa (my father, who died two years ago) on the train today"


Wife:"What was happen ?"



She stopped her chores and looked at me with expectant eyes.



When I was riding the Odakyu train to work after a long time, I was approached by the old man next to me.


"May I interrupt you?"


"Never mind"


"Does this train go to a station called 'Tsurukawa'?"


"Yes, it does"


"Is Tsurukawa the next station?"


"No, It will be the next stop after that."


"Not at the next station, I see."


"Not at the next station. I will let you know, so you don't have to worry."


"Wasn't it the station we just left?"


"No, it is the next station"


"The next station is "Tsurukawa"?"


"Yes, it is"


I tried to speak slowly, relatively loudly, and gently.



"This station?"


"Yes, this is the station."


"Thank you very much."


The old man, then, tried to go out the door, stopped it, and went down through another door.


I was relieved to see the old man get off, but the doors had been open for a while, and he looked like he was about to board the train again.

『車掌! とっととドアを閉じんかい!!』と心の中で叫んでいました。

Conductor! Close the door quickly! I shouted in my mind.


After the door was closed, I was worried while watching the old man standing on the platform without dazed-looking.


Ebata:"So the old man reminds me of my fater in his laster years"


Wife: "Oh, I see."


Ebata: "It's short-term memory impairment; He can't remember what he were talking about a minute ago, and he repeat the same questions over and over in a short period of time."


Wife: "It's a common story."


Ebata:"It is natural that he wanted to check the station he should get off as soon as possible. He is just so anxious"


Wife:"Anyway, it was good to make old man get off the station"


Ebata:"Well, people in the train thought that "Why the man can repeat same things loudly again and again?", however it was a natural reaction for me to had been known the situtaions"



It is right to teach children with the slogan, "Take care of the elderly.

理屈抜きでいいですし、これは、洗脳レベルでも"No Problem"です。

It is good without any logic, and this is "No Problem" even at the brainwashing level.


However, it is difficult for children to understand the various disorders that occur as they age in the background, and it is even more difficult to understand them on a clinical level.


Ebata: "So, I think it's probably seniors in my position who understand 'let's take care of the elderly' in a tangible way."


Wife: "Exactly."

2022-07-31 ―― 思考停止を勧める、カルト宗教の宣伝用ステッカーか? [長年日記]

"Don't think. Just do it"と書かれたステッカーが、階段のところに置いてありました。

A sticker written "Don't think Just do it" was left at the stair.

―― これ、なんだろう?

"What is this ?"

―― 思考停止を勧める、カルト宗教の宣伝用ステッカーか?

"Is this a sticker of advertisement for a cult religion to recommand a stop thinking ?"

―― それとも、スポーツ科学のアプローチを無視して、根性論を持ち出す部活の顧問の台詞か?

"Or, is this a line of a manager who ignore a sport science approch and tend to put "gut" to athilite? "

After all, the sticker was a novelty good of the movie "Top Gun", my wife and daughter went


そういえば、嫁さんに、映画に誘われていました ―― 断わりましたが。

I remember that I was invited to go to the movie from my wife, however I refused it.


I completely forgot the contents of preceding cropping "Top Gun", but I remember only


"the stereotypical 'justice' of American supremacy is offensive"


I refrained from joining it this time.



The movie itself seems to be well received.