Yesterday, I wrote about "lunch alone". But indeed, that is a kind of prologue, the serious story starts now.
The other day, I heard from my senior daughter that the most fearful affair is "being alone" in her school life,
I heard that not only she but also all girls in her school
wander from place to place in their class for searching a group they could belong from April to June,
monitor and arrange the humans relationship of the group from July to September,
could get alone with others in the group from October,
and fear a new group for the next fiscal year from the New Year.
江端:「なんだそりゃ? 所属するグループに籍を置くことを目的として、貴重な青春時代の一年間を過しているのか?」
When I asked her,
"What it that? Are you spending a precious period in youth for belonging a group?"
she answered seriously
―― ある意味、その通り
"That is right in a sense."
I felt frightfulness for a change.
(To be continued, more.)