先日、 NHKスペシャル 「震災ビックデータ File3 "首都パニック"を回避せよ」を見ていました。
The other day, I watched the program "Earthquake disaster Big data --How to avoid metropolitan panic"
I felt odd when I saw the simulation result of gathering people around the station, after the disaster happened."
In my case, I decided not to go home just after the time when the earthquake occurred.
Of course, why I selected the option was to be relieved to hear all of my family safe.
It was natural for twin-track couple to want to go home to know the children safe for their life.
On the other hand, they could not get on trains and bus immediately even if public transportation system starts. Moreover, that choice was really crucial.
What I made a sense is that
―― 今の日本人には、「野宿」という考え方がない
there are few person who has the concept of "rough sleeping".
In my case, I folded a lot of cardboard boxes and newspapers and rapped drinking water in the fridge(I returned later),I was hiding alone in a place .
And I was wearing a cold protection sheet of evacuation goods, listening to the radio all night alone, and taking a nap.
Wherever we can keep our life on rough sleeping if the roof is on and keep body temperature.
First of all, we could reach the concept that humanity residence recently.