After turning on TV for two week, I have decided an animation that my all in my family watch in this quarter.
"Nozaki-kun, a Monthly magazine for girls"
It is tremendous, great of laughter, extremely rare gag animation. And the pictures are also beautiful.
―― 少女マンガで、少女マンガをここまで嗤うか
Do you want to laugh at a girl's comic, by a girl's comic?
It is a very splendid work letting me groan.
「恋愛少女マンガなんか、アホらしくて読んでられないよ」と考えている私のような人間の気持ちを逆手に取って、漫画家の製作現場の視点から展開される、"Making of" アニメです。
This animation is a typical "Making of" animation for some persons who think "A girls' love comic is too ridiculous to read", like me.
そういえば、マンガ家というのも、ゼロからモノを作り出すという点においては、エンジニアと同じかもしれないな ―― などと、分析してみたりしています。
I analyze that it reminds me a comic artist may be the same as an engineer in the point to create things from zero