"I doubted whether I had become useful when I had participated in the volunteer of the Hanshin Awaji great earthquake disaster.
I think, "nothing to had been done" after all.
However, I think that it is sure that the volunteer was useful for me.
―― 民家は全て原形を留めず倒壊
"All the private houses collapsed without keeping the original form."
―― アパートの階段は途中から切り離され、自動車の車体 の上に落下し、屋根が見えなくなっています
"The stairs of the apartment were separated halfway and dropped on the body of the car, and did not see a roof."
―― 剥き出しになった水道管は引き千切られ 切り口が生々しく残っています
"The water pipe which became bare was torn, and the cut end was left vividly."
―― ブロックの塀が道路側に倒れこんで、四散して道路全体に広がっています
"The wall of the block fell down and dispersed in the road side, and spread through the whole road."
―― 倒れかかったアパートは玄関の扉が弾け飛び、ななめになった家屋の玄関から居間の窓を通じて、夕焼けの空が見えました
"The apartment fell, and the entrance door split open and flied, I saw the sky of the sunset through the window of the living room."
―― 電柱は幾重にも折れ、引き ちぎられた電線が足元に落ちていました。壁の崩れ落ちた家屋は、部屋の中が丸見え となり、家具や食器の瓦礫の中で、壁に貼ってあるカレンダーだけが無事でした
The telephone pole was broken to several folds, and a torn electric wire fell into the step. The house collapsed of the wall, the whole of the room is with circle vanity. In debris of furniture and the tableware, only a calendar put on the wall was safe.
―― 土手のコンクリートブロックは崩れ落ち土が露出し、またいつ崩落してきても不思議でない形のまま停止していました
The concrete block of the embankment collapsed, and soil was exposed. In addition, they stopped as the form whenever it collapsed.
―― かろうじて通ることのできるように残骸が取り除かれた一本の道の両側の家屋に貼られているはり紙には、連絡先と名前と『明子は死亡しました』とだけ記入されていました
A poster, that was put on the house of both sides of one way where the wreckage was removed, was written just "Akiko died", and her some information.
―― 人は一人もいませんでした。
There were no people.
―― 風も吹かず、何も動きません。
The wind didn't blow, and nothing moved.
―― 廃墟となった街は、時間が流れることなく、一枚の写真の様に停止したままでした。 視界内の風景の中には、廃墟となった街と夕焼けの空しか見えませんでした
The ruined town stopped like one piece of photograph without time going by. In the scenery in the view, I saw only the ruined town and the sunset sky.
―― 登山リュックを背負ったまま、誰もいない街の中で、一人で茫然として立ちすくむだけの私でした
I stood alone in the town where nobody was with carrying a mountain climbing rucksack on my back.
I think that this scene make me,
- keep emergency foods
- fix all furniture of the my and parents house by L metal fittings,
■災害発生時の家族の行動のユースケースについて、話し合いの場を持たせて いる
- keep the place of talks about the use case of the action of the family at the time of the outbreak disaster.