In this middle of January, I woke up at 5:00 am and went to considerably far-off school with my junior daughter for the entrance examination.
The reason why I went with her was to be expected as a trouble-shooter of an accident resulting in injury or death.
受験場の学校の前には、色々の学習塾の先生達が、―― 嘘偽りなく ―― 100人以上集っており、学校が用意した通路前で、塾生への激励の声を飛ばしていました。
In front of the school gate, more than one hundred teachers of many tutoring schools, in all sincerity, lined on the road side area, and they encouraged their students.
I was afraid that "they seems to be had to gather from this early morning", however, it could not help because of parts of their tasks.
After a few minutes from the deadline, when the parents and teachers went apart from the gate, two sets of parent and child were running inside the gate.
At that time, from the both side of road,
"Do your best!" "Run to the desk!" "You are still in time!!"
と、その場にいた先生達が ―― 自分の塾生かどうか、関係なく ―― 、腕をブンブン回しながら、一斉に声を上げる姿を見ました。
The teachers made circular motions with their arms, and encouraged the parents and children regardless of their belongings.
I almost cried to see the figure carelessly.
At that time, I could believe that all of adults hope that any child, who has studied hard so far, shows their biggest power equally.
(To be continued)