Previously, I heard among high school girls, the diet fashion of
"chili pepper on soft ice cream" had expanded.
For the first time, I didn't understand what this was all about it when watching the TV program.
It was said that "the Calorie of the soft ice cream is going to be lost by burning function of the pepper", which was a new type of diet.
I thought that it was a kind of spell. Children are growing up through these illogical experiments. I though that they were really children.
In opposition, I felt offended an attitude of the TV producer side, who made fun of the girls.
They had an attitude as much as to say "it should be nonsense", and they also broadcast her guardian's interview, who were worry for her health.
"Why do you give her your logical experiment about its nonsense?"
They should have explained about the result after calculating the consumed Calorie.
I thought
『あんたら、大人なんだろ? 子どもの健康に係わることなんだろう? なにヘラヘラ笑っているんだ』
"Are you adults? is this for children's health? Why do you laugh at her frivolously?"
I mean, probably I thought that there would be no people who can explain the illogicality of this diet method.
(To be continued)