Yesterday, I got a mail from my column reader.
"Ebata-san, Are you O.K.? I am worry about a hot topic of misconduct accounting."
Thank you for your concern. I cannot express my appreciation enough for your kindness.
However, I am O.K. because of the following two meanings.
According to my tasks, I am very far from my company accounting.
これは、会社が、江端の財務処理を危険視している ―― という訳ではなく、そもそも、江端には、金に近付くだけの権限がない、ということです。
The reason is NOT that my company was anxious of a risk of Ebata's accounting capability, BUT I don't have any responsibilities about accounting tasks.
I think that it is a "Win-Win" relationship between my company and me. I guess that both of them think that "Ebata will become no problem if he can play...no,no, work with programming."
Several comprehensive manufacturer of electric appliances has existed in Japan.
本日も、不眠で、空腹で(ダイエットで)、顔色も悪く、今日あたり、安定剤を貰いに診療所に行こうかと考えていますが ――
Today, I am insomnia, hungry(on diet), looks pale, and going to the clinic to get stabiliser, however,
I am fine, thank you.