The other day, I wrote my diary that I went to the movie "the longest day in Japan" with my daughter and father.
I had made a reservation of the mid-night ticket of the 14th August, so in result, the movie made progress in realtime.
After the movie, my daughter looked pale. When I told her that
―― ちょうど70年前の、今、陸軍の若い将校たちが、宮城の占拠を完了したころだな
"Just in time of seventy years ago, younger military officers have finished occupied Imperial Palace"
she had pained expressions.
At the last scene of the movie. the rebel leaders determined by themselves by their gun in front of Imperial Palace.
I heard that the day was much boiling hot day. So I was worry that
―― ちゃんと、自分の遺体の処理を、誰かに頼んでいたんだろうな
"Have you already asked someone to put your dead body in order ?"
As "Closer Ebata", I cannot allow anybody to do without worrying about the outcome.