I think many people have noticed, recently, I show picture postcard illustrations of the second daughter in every other day in the top of my home page,
This picture is a present for my parents of my pair (everyone lives in a hospital or a facility except for one person) from her, and I scan the picture and upload it to my HP.
先日、―― 義父が、いつでもこの葉書の束を大事そうに握りしめていた、という話を聞き、思わず涙が出そうになりました ―― というお話をしましたが、
The other day, I wrote a story that I almost weeped when I heard that my father-in-law always took a bunch of the postcard.
In this time of homecoming, I went to a room of the mother of the facility with her, and I came to find
"More than dozens of her postcards in whole wall"
I gasped at the wall.
―― 圧巻
I could not know anything except for the word.
私が百や千の単語を重ねて文章を作り上げたところで、次女の一枚の絵の力 ―― 「癒し」とか「想い」とか言う何か ―― には、到底、敵わない。
Even if I make a document with more than 100 or 1000 words, I could not reach the power of her picture, called "healing" or "feeling"
そして、それが「継続する」ということが、さらにそれをパワーアップする ―― ということも実感しました。
I could really understand a meaning of the saying "practice makes perfect".
I continue this poor diary everyday, however
―― 誰かの力になっていれば、いいな
"If someone makes a good feel, I will be happy"
when reading my diary.